ARPUS/ce, Version 2.6.2 (03/10/05)    (SCCS 1.7)
 [range] xd [-a] [-r] [-f <pathname> | <name>]
 "text delete"
     'xd'  cuts  a  range  of  text  into  either  an  internal paste buffer
     accessible from X selections, an internal paste buffer  that  is  local
     to  the  edit  session,  a  named  paste  buffer  in  the  paste buffer
     directory, or an text file. 
     xd operates on a region of text that is either  explicitly  defined  or
     allowed  to default.  If no region is defined prior to invoking xd, the
     default region is from the current cursor position to the  end  of  the
     xd can be used in one of four ways:
         xd                  cut the   effected  region  into  the  internal
                             unnamed  paste  buffer  (the  default  buffer).
                             This  paste  buffer  is  available  to other ce
                             windows and to other X applications  using  the
                             X  selection mechanism named Clipboard.  If the
                             X selection is owned by a ce session when  that
                             edit  session terminates, the paste buffer data
                             is saved in the paste  buffer  directory  as  a
                             file.    This   file  contains  the  text  plus
                             additional   information   used   by   ce    to
                             facilitate     efficient    processing.     The
                             additional  information  always  occupies   the
                             first line of the paste file. 
         xd <name>           cut the   effected  region  into  the  internal
                             paste buffer  with  name  <name>.   This  paste
                             buffer  is available to other ce windows and to
                             other X  applications  using  the  X  selection
                             mechanism  named <name>.  If the X selection is
                             owned by a ce session when  that  edit  session
                             terminates,  the  paste buffer data is saved in
                             the paste buffer directory as  a  file.   There
                             are  three  special paste buffer names (BangIn,
                             BangOut, and BangErr)  used  by  the  !  (bang)
                             command,  which  always  use  the  paste buffer
         xd X                cut the  effected  region  into  the  X  Window
                             System  XA_primary  paste  buffer.  This allows
                             you to cut text  into  another  X  application,
                             such   as   an  xterm  window.   Also,  if  you
                             highlight an  area  in  another  X  application
                             with  the left mouse button, you can paste this
                             text into Ce with the special buffer  named  X.
                             The  special  paste  buffer named X2 allows the
                             same sort of access to the  XA_secondary  paste
         xd -f <pathname>    cut the  effected  region  into an on-disk file
                             and do not include additional information  used
                             in normal paste buffer files. 
     -l      Use    a  "local only" paste buffer.  This works like a  normal
             paste  buffer     except     that the X server  does  not   get
             involved   and the  contents  of  the  paste  buffer  are   not
             saved   in   a file upon   termination.       This     improves
             performance     and  disables    the copying  of  data  between
             different  windows.   It is useful for cut commands  which  are
             throwing data away.
     -r      Treat   the   affected  region as a rectangular  region.    See
             the  'regions'  help  file   mentioned  below  for   an   exact
             description of the behavior of rectangular regions.

     -a      Append mode.  Append the region being cut to the paste buffer.

     -f <path>
             Cut   the  affected  region into a file on the  machine  Ce  is
             executing  on.  Text cut to a file will probably not be able to
             be   pasted   into a Ce window executing on   another   machine
             unless  that  machine has access to the file which  was  pasted

             Cut to the named X paste buffer.
     !             (bang )            
     xc            (Copy )            
     xd            (Cut  )            
     xl            (Copy Literal)     
     xp            (Paste)            
     xa            (Concat Pastebuff) 
     keyboard      (common keys)      
     regionsCon    (marking regions)  
     pastebufCon   (Paste buffers)    
     support       (customer support) 

  Copyright (c) 2005, Robert Styma Consulting.  All rights reserved.