ARPUS/ce, Version 2.6.2 (03/10/05)    (SCCS 1.8)
 ARPUS/ce key definitions using only common keys.
     The illustration below shows a key layout that very likely approximates the
     layout of common keys (F1-F8, Numeric Keypad, Escape, Backspace, Tab, Delete,
     Control, Shift, and Return) as arranged on your keyboard.  This illustration
     is provided to help you see more clearly how those keys are used based on
     their default definitions;  the Backspace, Tab, Delete, Control, Shift, and
     Return keys have standard meanings.
     Each function key and numeric keypad key has up to three definitions
     associated with it, corresponding to an unmodified key press (the top
     definition), a shifted key press (the middle definition), and a controlled
     key press (the bottom definition).

    #   F1-F4       Mark Copy Cut Paste     'Mark' is first;  copy/cut/paste are
    #                                       in alphabetical order;  shifted F1-F4
    #                                       are exactly the same, except that they
    #                                       do rectangular operations
    #   F5          Cut                     F5 = cut line
    #                                       Shift/F5 = cut to end of line
    #                                       Ctrl/F5 = cut word
    #   F6          Paste                   F6 = paste text of last F5
    #                                       Shift/F6 = paste text of last Shift/F5
    #                                       Ctrl/F6 = paste text of last Crtl/F5
    #   F7          Undo
    #   Shift/F7    Redo
    #   F8              Write file to disk and close session
    #   Shift/F8        Write file to disk, put session into read-only
    #   Ctrl/F8         Abort edit session
    #   F9              Help On:
    #   Numeric Keypad 2, 4, 6, 8           Move cursor: 2=down 4=left 6=right 8=up
    #   Same keys SHIFTED                   Scrolling a single line or column
    #   Same keys CONTROLLED                Scrolling multiple lines or columns
    #         F1               F2               F3               F4
    # +----------------+----------------+----------------+----------------+
    # |  Mark/ Hlight  |      Copy      |       Cut      |      Paste     |
    # |Mark/ Rec Hlight|    Rec Copy    |     Rec Cut    |    Rec Paste   | Shift
    # |                |                |                |                | Control
    # +----------------+----------------+----------------+----------------+
    #         F5               F6               F7               F8
    # +----------------+----------------+----------------+----------------+
    # |    Cut Line    |   Paste Line   |      Undo      | Close session  |
    # |   Cut to EOL   | Paste EOL Text |      Redo      | Write to disk  | Shift
    # |    Cut Word    |   Paste Word   |                | Abort session  | Control
    # +----------------+----------------+----------------+----------------+
    #       Escape
    # +----------------+
    # | To "Command: " |
    # +----------------+
    #                       NumPad 7         NumPad 8         NumPad 9
    #                  +----------------+----------------+----------------+
    #                  |                |   Cursor up    |                |
    #                  |                | Scroll up line |                | Shift
    #                  |                | Scroll up page |                | Control
    #                  +----------------+----------------+----------------+
    #                       NumPad 4         NumPad 5         NumPad 6
    #                  +----------------+----------------+----------------+
    #                  |  Cursor left   | To beg of line |  Cursor right  |
    #                  | Scroll lft col | To end of line | Scroll rgt col | Shift
    #                  |  "" mult cols  |                |  "" mult cols  | Control
    #                  +----------------+----------------+----------------+
    #                       NumPad 1         NumPad 2         NumPad 3
    #                  +----------------+----------------+----------------+
    #                  | To beg of line |  Cursor down   | To end of line |
    #                  |                | Scroll dn line |                | Shift
    #                  |                | Scroll dn page |                | Control
    #                  +----------------+----------------+----------------+
    #                       Mouse 1          Mouse 2         Mouse 3
    #                  +----------------+----------------+----------------+
    #                  |  Mark/Hlight   |     Paste      |"click" cv file |
    #                  |     Copy       |                |                |        Up
    #                  |                |                |                |
    #                  |Mark/ Rec Hlight|   Rec Paste    |"click" ce file | Shift
    #                  |    Rec Copy    |                |                | Shift  Up
    #                  |                |                |                |
    #                  |      *         |       **       |     ***        | Control
    #                  |                |                |                |
    #                  +----------------+----------------+----------------+
    #     *      CTRL Mouse 1 : Take the contents of the current paste buffer and do a find on this name.
    #                           Also save the find command in a separate paste buffer.
    #     **     CTRL Mouse 2 : Re-execute the find command saved in by CTRL Mouse 1
    #     ***    CTRL Mouse 3 : Grab a "word" and delete it.  Paste in the contents of the current paste buffer.
    # Escape                     Move the cursor to the "Command: " prompt
    # Return                     Insert a newline character at the current cursor position
    # Shift/Return               Insert a blank line below the current line
    # Tab                        Move the cursor to the next tab stop to the right
    # Shift/Tab                  Move the cursor to the next tab stop to the left
    # CTL/Tab                    Insert a tab character at the current cursor position
    # Backspace                  Delete the character to the left of the cursor
    # Delete                     Delete the character under the cursor
    # Help                       Prompt for a Help topic and create a read=only window on it.
    # Insert                     Toggle insert / overstrike mode
    # Home                       Move cursor to start of current line
    # End                        Move cursor to end of current line
    #        SUN TYPE 5 KEYBOARD
    # Help                       Help on:
    # Again                      Copy from cursor pos to end of line to UNIX input window (or Command: window)
    # Props                      Show name of next key pressed
    # Shift/Props                Show name of next 2 keys pressed
    # Undo                       Undo last action
    # Shift/Undo                 Redo last action
    # Front                      (Window Manager controlled key - not available to Ce)
    # Open                       (Window Manager controlled key - not available to Ce)
    # Copy                       Copy marked region into the default paste buffer
    # Shift/Copy                 Rectangular copy of marked region into the default paste buffer
    # CTL/Copy                   Copy marked region into the alternate paste buffer
    # CTL/Shift/Copy             Rectangular copy of marked region into the alternate paste buffer
    # Paste                      Paste the default paste buffer
    # Shift/Paste                Rectangular Paste of the default paste buffer
    # CTL/Paste                  Paste the alternate paste buffer
    # CTL/Shift/Paste            Rectangular Paste of the alternate paste buffer
    # Cut                        Cut marked region into the default paste buffer
    # Shift/Cut                  Rectangular cut of marked region into the default paste buffer
    # CTL/Cut                    Cut marked region into the alternate paste buffer
    # CTL/Shift/Cut              Rectangular cut of marked region into the alternate paste buffer
    # Find                       Search forward for the most recent search pattern (repeat find)
    # Shift/Find                 Search backward for the most recent search pattern
    # CTL/a                      Toggle autohold mode
    # CTL/b                      Move the cursor to the bottom of the file
    # CTL/c                      Send quit-fault
    # CTL/d                      Insert end-of-file character
    # CTL/e                      Repeat substitute once (so)
    # CTL/h                      Toggle hold mode
    # CTL/i                      Toggle the window between insert and overstrike modes
    # CTL/k                      Move the cursor to the beginning of the next line
    # CTL/m                      Toggle the window between edit and read-only modes
    # CTL/n                      Abort the edit session
    # CTL/p                      Print a marked range of text
    # CTL/c                      Send quit-fault (Apollo version of ^c)
    # CTL/r                      Search forward for the most recent search pattern
    # CTL/s                      Toggle scroll-by-line mode
    # CTL/t                      Move the cursor to the top of the file
    # CTL/u                      Search backward for the most recent search pattern
    # CTL/v                      Copy a text region into the default paste buffer
    # CTL/w                      Write the file to disk
    # CTL/x                      Abort the current search or highlight operation
    # CTL/y                      Write the file to disk and close the window
    #        ALT/ALPHA KEYS
    # ALT/c                      Copy a text region into the default paste buffer
    # ALT/e                      Cut a text region into the default paste buffer
    # ALT/p                      Paste text from the default paste buffer
    # ALT/t                      Text Flow a rectangularly marked region of text
    # ALT/r                      Search forward for the next colored area
    # ALT/u                      Search backward for the previous colored area
    # ALT/b                      Find balancing paren, brace, bracket, etc.
     keyCon        (Key Concepts)         
     cmdf          (Command File)         
     kd            (Key Definition)       
     kk            (Key Key)              
     wdf           (Window Default Geo)   
     wdc           (Window Default Color) 

     commands      (List of Commands)     
     xresources    (X resources & args)   

     support       (customer support)     

  Copyright (c) 2005, Robert Styma Consulting.  All rights reserved.