ARPUS/ce, Version 2.6.2 (03/10/05)    (SCCS 1.7)
 ! [-c][-m][-e][-s"shellopts"] command
     The  "!" (or "bang") command cuts or copies a range of text and  passes
     it  as  stdin to the named command or shell  script.  Stdout  from  the
     command is pasted to the cut region.  Stderr from the command is pasted
     into the command output window.
     The following sequence of events takes place:
     1.  Bang cuts or copies  either  an  explicitly defined region or the
         default  region  (the text between the current  cursor   position
         and   the  end   of  the current line) into  the  internal  paste
         buffer  named "BangIn".  In other words, ce executes the  command
         'xd   BangIn' on your behalf.  The -c option determines whether a
         cut or copy is done.  The -e option implies the -c option.
     2.  The  specified   command   is  executed  via   system(3S).   The
         shell  is chosen from the $SHELL environment variable.   /bin/sh
         is   used  if   this variable is not in  the  environment.   The
         shell's standard  input  and   output   streams  are  redirected
         from   and   to  the specially named internal paste  buffers  as
             standard input      BangIn
             standard output     BangOut
             standard error      BangErr
     3.  If  the  system call is successful and the input had been cut  (no
         -c),  the contents of the BangOut paste buffer, which contains the
         command's  output, are pasted to the current cursor position.   If
         the  -c option was specified, stdout from the command are left  in
         the  BangOut  paste buffer and may be pasted via an  "xp  BangOut"

     4.  If  the -e option was specified, the contents of the BangOut paste
         buffer,  which  contains the command's output, are passed  to  the
         cmdf command, as in "cmdf -p BangOut".

     5.  Stderr,   taken  from  paste  buffer BangOut  is  appended  to the
         command output window.
         The   "-c"   option  instructs  bang  to copy instead of  cut  the
         affected  region.    It   also   instructs  bang   to   not  paste
         stdout  the  edit window.   The   command   'xp   BangOut'  can be
         used  to   paste  the command's stdout.

         The   "-m"  option instructs bang to paste the  command's   stdout
         into  the ce  command  output  window instead of the edit  window.
         This  is   useful  for  commands such as  /bin/wc  which  produces
         informational  data.   Note  that   on  Apollo   systems  this  is
         /usr/ucb/wc since X Ce is in a BSD environment.

         The  "-e" option instructs bang to assume stdout from the  command
         is a string of Ce commands to be executed via "cmdf -p BangOut"
         The "-s" option is followed by a list of options passed through to
         the shell. Common usage of this parameter is to pass the -p option
         to  the ksh or the -f option to the csh.  These options cause  the
         shell  to  not read the .kshrc or .cshrc files respectively.   The
         options  must  be  specified  within   delimiters  (quotes).   The
         delimiter  is  the  first non-blank character after the  -s.
         EX:  -s"-p"
     xc            (Copy )            
     xd            (Cut  )            
     xp            (Paste)            
     xa            (Concat Pastebuff) 
     regionsCon    (marking regions)  
     support       (customer support) 

  Copyright (c) 2005, Robert Styma Consulting.  All rights reserved.