ARPUS/ce, Version 2.6.2 (03/10/05)    (SCCS 1.5)
    geo <geometry>
        'geo'  is used to move or resize the window.  <geometry> must be in one
        of the following forms:
            WxH+x+y     make the window W pixels wide and H  pixels  high,  and
                        place  the  upper  left  corner of the window at screen
                        (x,y) (where (0,0) indicates the upper left  corner  of
                        the screen
            WxH         make the  window  W pixels wide and H pixels high;  the
                        window's upper left corner is placed at the upper  left
                        corner of the screen
            cWxH+x+y    the leading  'c'  tells  'geo'  to  make  the  window W
                        columns wide and H rows high instead of interpreting  W
                        and  H  as  pixel counts;  the upper left corner of the
                        window is placed at the (x,y) screen position
            cWxH        make the window W columns wide and H rows high;   since
                        no  (x,y)  offset pair is specified, the window's upper
                        left corner maintains its current position
        Other  variations  on  the  (x,y)  offset  pair  are   allowed.    More
        specifically,  'x'  and  'y' can be preceded individually by either '+'
        or '-';  the signs are interpreted as follows:
            +x+y        place the upper left corner  of  the  window  x  pixels
                        from  the  left screen border and y pixels from the top
                        screen border
            +x-y        place the lower left corner  of  the  window  x  pixels
                        from  the  left  screen  border  and  y pixels from the
                        bottom screen border
            -x+y        place the upper right corner of  the  window  x  pixels
                        from  the right screen border and y pixels from the top
                        screen border
            -x-y        place the lower right corner of  the  window  x  pixels
                        from  the  right  screen  border  and y pixels from the
                        lower screen border
       The 'geo' command with no parameters displays the current window geometry
       in the message window.
       When  you  specify width and height in characters on the geo command.   Ce
       will  size the window based on the size of the font currently in use.  For
       variable  width fonts, the width of the widest character is used.  All the
       supported fonts have a fixed height.  The sized window is the main edit or
       transcript  pad  not counting the Ce "Command:" window.  Thus the  command
       "geo  c80x24" will give a window 80 columns wide by 24 rows plus an  extra
       row for the "Command:" window.

       The  character  based geometry does not take into account the scroll  bar,
       the  line number region, the "UNIX:" command window, or the pull down menu
       area.   These  all use up some of the 80 columns and 24 lines.  With  some
       variation  based on font size, the Unix command window, the pulldown menu,
       and  horizontal scroll bar each take between 1 and 2 lines.  The  vertical
       scroll  bar  is 14 pixels wide and can use about 2 characters.   The  line
       number field is about 7 characters wide.

       It  is not practical to try to adjust the geometry for these window  areas
       with  using character sizes because they can appear and disappear  without
       the  window changing shape.  It would be distracting to resize the  window
       when the scroll bar appeared.
       geo c80x24
        bgc           (Background Color)       
        fgc           (Foreground Color)       
        fl            (Font Load)              
        geo           (Window Geometry)        
        hex           (Hexadecimal mode)       
        icon          (Iconify window)         
        lineno        (Line Numbers)           
        rs            (Refresh Screen)         
        rw            (Refresh Window)         
        wdc           (Window Default Colors)  
        wdf           (Window Default Geo)     
        support       (customer support)       


  Copyright (c) 2005, Robert Styma Consulting.  All rights reserved.