ARPUS/ce, Version 2.6.2 (03/10/05)    (SCCS 1.5)
 icon [ -i | -w ]
 "iconify window"
     Use this command to change the window into an icon.

     This  command is dependent on the behavior of your  environment's
     window  manager.  ce will send an 'iconify' request to the window
     manager,  and   most   window  managers   honor   such  requests.

     Once  the  window  is icon'ed, the icon is under control  of  the
     window  manager.   The  normal  window   manager  techniques  for
     un-iconifying the window should be used.

     Icon'ing is a window manager function and in most cases best left
     to the window manager.  There are cases where you may want to use
     the  Ce  icon  command from a key definition,  command  file,  or
     alias.   The  following describes the behavior and use of the  Ce
     icon command.

     Executing  'icon'  with  no arguments toggles the  state  of  the
     window between an icon and a window.  When a Ce window is icon'ed
     the  only way to send it the icon command to turn it back into  a
     window  is  with the xdmc command.  The only case this  has  been
     observed  to  be  useful is as follows: Suppose you are  using  a
     multiple  desktop  window manager such as HP/UX or Sun CDE.   You
     were  editing a file and icon'ed it on one desktop and maybe even
     got the icon buried under some other window.  In another desktop,
     whenever  you  edit  the file you get the "This is a  CC  window"
     message.   Using  the UNIX command "xdmc -list -cmd" you can  see
     that  the file is being edited and that it is icon'ed.   Entering
     the  command  "xdmc -p<cepid_from_xdmc-list> icon" will  pop  the
     window up on the current desktop.


     -i   -   Change to an icon
              This option changes the window to an icon. If the window
              is already icon'ed the command has no effect.

     -w   -   Change to a window.
              This option changes an icon to the window. If the window
              is  not an icon, the command has no effect.  This option
              might  be  used  in a command file which icon's  the  ce
              window and later un-icon's it. Since all the commands in
              a  command  file  (cmdf) are  executed  without  reading
              events  from  the X server, the Ce session does not  yet
              know  that  it has been icon'ed and thus toggling  would
              not have the desired effect.

     Consider the following command file which runs the ispell tool on
     a  file  currently being edited.  The ispell tool is  distributed
     with  the Linux operating system and is freeware available on the
     internet.  The procedure being done here is to save the file out,
     run  the  ispell from a Ce cpo command in wait mode (which  locks
     the  ce  window while the ispell runs), cut the entire file,  and
     reload  it  from  the spell checked copy.  To get the  locked  Ce
     window out of the way, we will icon it while ispell is running.

     Command file:
     ro -off;     # Make sure the file is in read/write mode
     pw;          # Save the file
     pn;          # Put the name of the file in the output message window
     tdmo;        # Move the cursor to the output message window
     tl;          # Go to the leftmost part of the output message window
     dr;          # Mark
     tr;          # Go to the end of the file name
     xc -l file;  # Copy the name to a local paste buffer
     tdm;         # Go to the Ce 'Command:' window
     tl;          # Go to the leftmost part of the window
     xd -l junk;  # Cut anything in the command window 
     icon -i;     # Icon the soon to be locked up Ce window
     es'cpo -w "xterm -e ispell '; # Simulate typing first part of cpo command.
     xp file;     # Paste in the file name
     tr;          # Move past the file name
     es'"';       # Close the quote in the cpo command
     en;          # Execute the cpo command, wait till ispell is done
     tmw;         # Go to the main window
     1,$xd -l junk; # Cut the entire file
     xd -l junk;  # Clear out the local paste buffer to save memory
     tdm;         # Go to the Ce 'Command:' window
     es'xp -f ';  # Simulate typing part of a paste command
     xp file;     # Paste the file name into the paste command being built
     tr;          # Go to the end of the file name
     en           # Execute the paste command
     icon -w      # Restore the Ce window

     The follow alias does the same thing and adds an ispell Ce command.
     You can put the following alias all on one line in your .Cekeys file
     to make ispell a Ce command.  Assuming you have installed ispell.

     alias ispell  ro -off;pw;pn;tdmo;tl;dr;tr;xc -l file;tdm;tl;xd -l junk;
                   icon -i;es'cpo -w "xterm -e ispell ';xp file;tr;es'"';
                   en;tmw;1,$xd -l junk;xd -l junk;tdm;es'xp -f ';xp file;
                   tr;en;icon -w ke

     geo           (Window Geometry)        
     rs            (Refresh Screen)         
     rw            (Refresh Window)         
     cmdf          (Command File)           
     alias         (Alias commands)         
     mi            (Menu Item)              
     support       (customer support)       

  Copyright (c) 2005, Robert Styma Consulting.  All rights reserved.