ARPUS/ce, Version 2.6.2 (03/14/05)    (SCCS 1.8)
 wdc <n> <background color> <foreground color>
 "window default color"
     This  command  defines  a series of  background/foreground  color
     combinations  that  are  cycled  through as new  ce  windows  are
     created.   'wdc' commands are placed in your key definitions file
     (even  though the 'wdc' commands are not really key definitions).

     <n>  must be an integer between 1 and 12.  An example set of  wdc
     commands might look like this:
         wdc  1  navy                 seagreen1
         wdc  2  lightblue            black
         wdc  3  white                black
         wdc  4  brown                wheat
         wdc  5  midnightblue         wheat
         wdc  6  '#6F4EB7'            white
         wdc  7  '#4B006000E200'      white
         wdc  8  gray20               GreenYellow
         wdc  9  TekHVC:265.0/20.0/35 wheat  #  Hue 0-360,  Value 0-100, Chroma 0-100
         wdc 10  '#730039'            wheat
         wdc 11  '#2F005A0041A5'      white
         wdc 12  firebrick            white

     Color  names  with  embedded blanks must be enclosed  in  quotes.
     Color  values  specified in hexadecimal must be preceded  with  a
     pound sign and enclosed in quotes. Not all numbers in the 1 to 12
     sequence  need  be present and gaps in the numbers  are  allowed.
     When  the  list  is   used,  unused   slots   are  squeezed  out.

     If  either  or  both  colors are omitted from  the  command,  the
     default of white or black is used for that color. The wdc command
     with  no  arguments  dumps the current color list to  the  output
     message window.

     Color  specifications  provided on the command line or via  an  X
     resource override wdc specifications. If the wdc command does not
     appear  to be working, use the shell command "xrdb -q" to display
     the  current  X  resources if they were loaded with  "xrdb  -load
     <file>".   Look  for  any resources of the "form  *.foreground  :
     color".   If  these  are found, change your  .Xdefaults  file  to
     contain  "Ce.background : " and "Ce.foreground : ".  These  lines
     will  provide null values for these resources in Ce and allow wdc
     to  work.   On   HP   machines  the   resources   are   found  in

     The  wdc  color  information is in a property hung off  the  Root
     window  of  your  display.  Every 'wdc' command appends  to  this
     property.   Thus  if  you  are  playing  around  executing  'wdc'
     commands,  and then do a 'wdc' with no arguments to see what  you
     have,  you will see some lines multiple times.  The last instance
     of  a  line  shown is the one used.  Also, to clear out  all  the
     wdc's, execute 'wdc -1'.

   bgc           (Background Color)                    
   fgc           (Foreground Color)                    
   fl            (Font Load)                           
   geo           (Window Geometry)                     
   lineno        (Line Numbers)                        
   rs            (Refresh Screen)                      
   rw            (Refresh Window)                      
   wdf           (Window Default Geo)                  
   commands      (List of Commands)                    
   keyboard      (common keys)                         
   xresources    (X resources & args)                  

   support       (customer support)                    

  Copyright (c) 2005, Robert Styma Consulting.  All rights reserved.