ARPUS/ce, Version 2.6.2 (03/10/05)    (SCCS 1.6)
 f'pat'   #  Alternate syntax
 "forward search"
     To  search  forward  from  the cursor  position  for  a  specific
     pattern, use the following form:


     where <pat> is either a regular expression or null.

     If  <pat> is null (that is, if the command is "//"), the  pattern
     used in the most recent forward or backward search is used again.
     If  no  previous  search pattern was given, an error  message  is

     If  <pat>  is  non-null,  the  search  begins  at  the  character
     immediately  following the cursor and proceeds toward the end  of
     the  file, until either an occurrence of the pattern is found  or
     end  of  file is reached.  If the pattern is not found, an  error
     message  is  displayed,  and the cursor remains in  its  original
     position.  If a match is found, the cursor is placed at the first
     character in the occurrence.

     If  this  command  is combined with other commands  in  a  single
     command  line  or key definition, the search runs  to  completion
     before the next command is executed. If the search is the last or
     only  command, control is returned to the terminal after a  group
     of  lines  is  searched and the search is done  in  a  background
     fashion. This is only noticeable in large files.

     Ce  provides  an alternate syntax for the find command  which  is
     similar in nature to the substitute command.  The first non-white
     space  character  after  the  find  command  is  taken  to  be  a
     delimiter.   Everything to the matching delimiter is taken as the
     search string. A closing delimiter is assumed at end of line.
     is easier to construct than

     The  alternate  syntax  is only recognised by the  parser.   Once
     parsed,  command is identical to a normal find.  This is relevant
     if you are examining key definitions.

     The  alternate syntax allows you to construct search command  key
     definitions  containing delimiters you are very unlikely to  have
     in your data. Consider the alternate definition for ^m1 (find the
     string in the paste buffer).

     kd ^m1  tdm;tl;xd -l junk;es 'f';er cd;xp;tr;er cd;dr;tl;xc save_find;tr;en ke

     In  the  above case we use the alternate find syntax and use  the
     character x'cd' as the delimiter. Being a non-ascii character, it
     is unlikely to be in the text in the paste buffer.

     \ or ?        (Backwards Search)     
     abrt          (Abort)                
     fbdr          (Find Border)          
     sq            (Search Quit)          
     re            (Regular Expression)   
     s             (Substitute)           
     so            (Substitute Once)      
     sc            (Set Case Comparison)  
     regexpCon     (regular expression)   
     support       (customer support)     


  Copyright (c) 2005, Robert Styma Consulting.  All rights reserved.