ARPUS/ce, Version 2.6.2 (03/10/05)    (SCCS 1.3)
 fbdr [n]
 "Set Find Border Lines"
      'fbdr' sets the value for the find border.  This can be used to
      override  the  setting  in the -findbrdr runtime parm  and  the
      Ce.findbrdr X resource. [n] is a non-negative integer. The find
      border  is the number of lines between the top or bottom of the
      window  and  the position the cursor is placed on after a  find
      command,  a nc command, a pc command, or a numeric  positioning
      command (a line number by itself or [line,col]).

      Executing  fbdr  with  no value causes the current find  border  to  be
      displayed  in  the dm output window.  Specifying [n] as  negative  will
      cause [n] to be ignored.
     /             Forward Search         
     \ or ?        Backward Search        
     "num"         Line Number            
     [             Character Position     
     nc            Next Color             
     pc            Previous Color         

     curswinCon    (Cursor and Window)    

     support       (customer support)     

  Copyright (c) 2005, Robert Styma Consulting.  All rights reserved.