ARPUS/ce, Version 2.6.2 (03/10/05)    (SCCS 1.4)
    Concept:  Regular expressions.
        Regular  expressions  are used to find patterns of characters in a text
        region.  ce supports the use of  both  AEGIS  regular  expressions  and
        Unix  expressions (a la the Unix 'ed' command).  Only one style applies
        per edit session, and that style is determined by the  '-expr'  command
        line option or the 'Ce.expr' X resource when ce is started. 
        AEGIS  regular  expressions  and  Unix regular expressions have much in
        common.  Nonetheless,  the  following  descriptions  treat  the  styles
        separately;    this   DESCRIPTION   section   concludes  with  a  table
        summarizing the similarities between the two styles. 
            Character(s)    Meaning
            %               matches beginning of line, but only if it is the
                            first character in the expression;  otherwise it
                            is interpreted literally
            $               matches end of line, but only if it is the last
                            character in the expression;  otherwise it is
                            interpreted literally
            ?               matches any single character except newline
            *               matches 0 or as many occurrences of the preceding
                            character as can be matched, but only if this is
                            NOT the first character in the expression;
                            otherwise it is interpreted literally, since there
                            is no preceding character
            @f              matches a form feed character (hex 0C)
            @n              matches a newline character (hex 0A)
            @t              matches a tab character (hex 09)
            @c              matches the literal character 'c';  this is used
                            primarily to match a character that normally
                            serves as a special regular expression character;
                            for example '@?' will match a literal '?'
            [string]        matches one occurrence of any character found in
                            string; for example, '[abyz]' will match the first
                            occurrence of either an 'a', 'b', 'y', or 'z';
                            'string' may also indicate ranges of characters,
                            so that '[a-cx-z4-6]' would match 'a', 'b', 'c',
                            'x', 'y', 'z', '4', '5', or '6';
                             to include a literal '~', ']', '-', or '@' in
                            'string', precede the character with '@'
            [~string]       matches one occurrence of any character that is
                            NOT found in string;  if '~' appears in 'string'
                            but is not the first character, it is treated as a
                            literal '~';  the same rules regards ranges of
                            characters and inclusion of special characters in
                            'string' described above apply here
            {expr}          the curly brackets are used to 'tag' an expression
                            so that a string that matches the given expression
                            can be referenced in a substitution operation;
                            for example, the substitute command
                            's/{[abc]}?/+@1+/' means that for every occurrence
                            of an 'a', 'b', or 'c' (i.e. '{[abc]}') followed
                            by a single  character (i.e. '?'), replace the
                            occurrence with a '+' followed by the 'a', 'b', or
                            'c' (i.e. '@1') followed by another '+';  you can
                            tab up to nine expressions, i.e., '@1' ... '@9'
            All other characters appearing in an AEGIS regular expression are
            treated literally. 
            Character(s)    Meaning
            ^               matches beginning of line, but only if it is the
                            first character in the expression;  otherwise it
                            is interpreted literally
            $               matches end of line, but only if it is the last
                            character in the expression;  otherwise it is
                            interpreted literally
            .               matches any single character except newline
            *               matches 0 or more occurrences of the preceding
                            character, but only if this is NOT the first
                            character in the expression;  otherwise it is
                            interpreted literally, since there is no preceding
            \c              matches the literal character 'c';  this is used
                            primarily to match a character that normally
                            serves as a special regular expression character;
                            for example '\?' will match a literal '?'
            [string]        matches one occurrence of any character found in
                            string; for example, '[abyz]' will match the first
                            occurrence of either an 'a', 'b', 'y', or 'z';
                            'string' may also indicate ranges of characters,
                            so that '[a-cx-z4-6]' would match 'a', 'b', 'c',
                            'x', 'y', 'z', '4', '5', or '6'; to include a
                            literal '^', ']', '-', or '\' in 'string', precede
                            the character with '\';  if ']' is the first
                            character in 'string', it is interpreted literally
                            and not as the terminating ']';
            [^string]       matches one occurrence of any character that is
                            NOT found in string;  if '^' appears in 'string'
                            but is not the first character, it is treated as a
                            literal '^';  the same rules regards ranges of
                            characters and inclusion of special characters in
                            'string' described above apply here
            c\{m\}          matches a string containing exactly 'm'
                            occurrences of the character 'c', where 'c' is
                            either a literal character or a single character
                            pattern;  similarly, 'c\{m,\}' matches at least
                            'm' characters, and 'c\{m,n\}' matches between 'm'
                            and 'n' characters;  m and n must both be integers
                            between 0 and 256;  in this form of regular
                            expression, the curly brackets '{}' and
                            backslashes '\' are required
            \(pat\)         matches pat
            \n              matches the same pattern matched by an expression
                            enclosed between '\(' and '\)';  for example,
                            '\(abc\)\5' matches the string 'abcabcabcabcabc'
            All other characters appearing in an Unix regular expression are
            treated literally. 
            Meaning                                 AEGIS           Unix
            Beginning of line                       %               ^
            End of line                             $               $
            Single character                        ?               .
            0 or more occurrences of prev char      *               *
            Escape character                        @               \
            One character of a set                  [string]        [string]
            One character not in a set              [~string]       [^string]
            Repeating patterns                                      c\{m,n\}
        /             (Forwards Search)      
        \ or ?        (Backwards Search)     
        abrt          (Abort)                
        sq            (Search Quit)          
        re            (Regular Expression)   
        s             (Substitute)           
        so            (Substitute Once)      
        sc            (Set Case Comparison)  
        support       (customer support)     

  Copyright (c) 2005, Robert Styma Consulting.  All rights reserved.