ARPUS/ce, Version 2.6.2 (03/10/05)    (SCCS 1.4)
    sc [-on | -off]
    "set case sensitivity"
        'sc'  is  used  to  set the case sensitivity during searches.  During a
        case-sensitive  search,  a  'Z'  does  not  match  a  'z';   during   a
        case-insensitive search, a 'Z' does match a 'z'. 
        Searches  are  by  default  case-insensitive.  If you specify 'sc -on',
        case  sensitivity  is  enabled;   if  you  specify   'sc   -off'   case
        sensitivity   is   disabled;    if  'sc'  is  given  with  no  options,
        sensitivity is toggled. 
        Case   sensitivity   is   relevant   only   to    search    operations;
        search-and-replace operations are always case-sensitive. 
        /             (Forwards Search)      
        \ or ?        (Backwards Search)     
        abrt          (Abort)                
        sq            (Search Quit)          
        re            (Regular Expression)   
        s             (Substitute)           
        so            (Substitute Once)      
        regionsCon    (Text Regions)         
        regexpCon     (regular expression)   
        support       (customer support)     

  Copyright (c) 2005, Robert Styma Consulting.  All rights reserved.