ARPUS/ce, Version 2.6.2 (03/10/05)    (SCCS 1.2)
    Concept:  Ce Menubar and Pulldowns

        Ce  provides  pull  downs to access many of the switches  and  obscure
        features.   The functionality and operation is similar to pulldowns on
        many other X based applications with the exception of the items in the
        "Edit"  pulldown  which  operate  over a marked  range  of  text.   Ce
        pulldowns execute strings of one or more Ce commands are built up from
        Ce commands in the .Cekeys file.

        Some experienced Ce users will look at pulldowns and say "What is this
        stuff?  Make it go away." The 'pdm' will toggle off the menu bar.  The
        .Xdefaults resource "Ce.pdm : no" will default it to off.  To turn off
        the menubar in just  ceterm  windows  add  "ceterm.pdf : no"  to  your
        .Xdefaults file.

         Most  of the pulldown items under the "Edit" pulldown operate over  a
         range of text or a location. In it's normal operating mode, using the
         default key definitions, two problems using the edit pulldowns occur.
         First,  Ce attaches the text cursor to the mouse cursor.  This messes
         up  the marked area when you move the cursor to get to the menu  bar.
         The  second  is that the Left mouse button Marks an area on the  down
         stroke  and copies to the default paste buffer on the up stroke.  The
         up  stroke  removes  the  highlighting.   While  it  is  possible  to
         re-highlight  the  area on the up stroke by adding ";rm;echo" to  the
         ';m1u'  key  definition, we will assume you mark the area  using  the
         'F1'  key  to begin highlighting or <Shift>-F1 to  begin  rectangular
         highlighting.   There  is a Ce command which moves the cursor to  the
         menu bar and freezes the window until pulldown activity is completed.
         This command has a default location of ^Escape (<Ctrl>-Escape).

        Thus to use edit pulldowns over a marked range of text use F1 to begin
        marking  the range of text and <Ctrl>-Escape to freeze the main window
        and  move  to  the menu bar.  Select the option you want.   Cancel  by
        clicking In the main window.  Using a position oriented pulldown  such
        as "Paste" is done the same way except you don't mark a region.

        Pulldown menus and the items in the menu bar are defined using the 'mi'
        (Menu  Item)  command  and can be executed on the fly or put  into  the
        .Cekeys  file.   The  'mi' command follows the format of  the  kd  (Key
        Definition  command).  It identifies the pulldown name and line  number
        (zero  based)  where  this menu item is to be located,  the  string  to
        appear  in  the  line,  and   a  list   of   Ce  commands  to  execute.

        A  pulldown is made to appear on the window with the 'pd' (Pulldown) Ce
        command.   The parameter to 'pd' identifies the name of the pulldown as
        specified in the 'mi' command.  A 'pd' command can be executed from the
        'Ce'  command  window, placed under a key definition, or placed as  the
        command in a menu item. The last technique is
        how cascading menu's are created.

        The following is extracted from the default set of menu items.

        mi File/0 'Save'pw;msg 'File saved' ke
        mi File/1 'Save As'pn -c -r &'New Name:';ro -off;pw ke
        mi File/2 'Close/Save'wc ke
        mi File/3 'Close/NoSave'wc -y ke

        mi Edit/0 'Copy'xc ke
        mi Edit/1 'Cut'xd ke
        mi Edit/2 'Paste'xp ke
        mi Edit/3 'Undo'undo ke
        mi Edit/4 'Redo'redo ke
        mi Edit/5 'Text Flow'tf ke
        mi Edit/6 'Find Matching Delim'bl -d ke

        mi Modes/0 'Case'pd Case ke
        mi Modes/1 'Insert'pd Insert ke
        mi Modes/2 'hex'pd Hex ke
        mi Modes/3 'Lineno'pd Lineno ke
        mi Modes/4 'ScrollBar'pd ScrollBr ke
        mi Modes/5 'Vt100'pd vt ke
        mi Modes/6 'Track Mouse'pd Mouse ke

        mi Macro/0 'No Macros Defined' ke

        mi Help/0 'Intro'cv -envar y  ke
        mi Help/1 'Commands'cv -envar y  ke

        mi Case/0 'Sensitive find'sc -on ke
        mi Case/1 'Insensitive find'sc -off ke

        mi Insert/0 'Insert'ei -on ke
        mi Insert/1 'Overstrike'ei -off ke

        mi Hex/0 'On'hex -on ke
        mi Hex/1 'Off'hex -off ke

        mi Lineno/0 'On'lineno -on ke
        mi Lineno/1 'Off'lineno -off ke

        mi ScrollBr/0 'On'sb -on ke
        mi ScrollBr/1 'Off'sb -off ke
        mi ScrollBr/2 'Auto'sb -auto ke

        mi vt/0 'On'vt -on ke
        mi vt/1 'Off'vt -off ke
        mi vt/2 'Auto'vt -auto ke

        mi Mouse/0 'On'mouse -on ke
        mi Mouse/1 'Off'mouse -off ke

        mi Menubar/0 'File'pd File ke
        mi Menubar/1 'Edit'pd Edit ke
        mi Menubar/2 'Modes'pd Modes ke
        mi Menubar/3 'Macro'pd Macro ke
        Note  that  the top menu bar is just a pulldown with the special  name
        Menubar.  If you execute 'pd Menubar' at the Ce 'Command:' prompt, you
        can  access this menu.  Note also that the special pulldown for 'Help'
        is  treated  as  a special case in the Menubar to  right  justify  it.

        To  add a line to an existing pulldown, find the name of the  pulldown
        you  want to add the line to and pick the next sequential line  number
        in  the  sequence  of line numbers.  You can count the  lines  in  the
        existing pulldown starting at line zero. If you skip a number, the new
        line  will not appear.  These two values separated by a slash give you
        the  key for the 'mi' command.  For example: Modes/7 for a new item in
        the  Modes  pulldown.  At this point you are ready to format the  'mi'
        command.   Lets say you were adding a pulldown to modes to invert  the
        screen with the 'inv' command.

        mi   Modes/7   'invert'inv ke
        |     |    |       |    |   |
        |     |    |       |    |   +-- End of mi command token
        |     |    |       |    |
        |     |    |       |    +------ List of DM commands separated by semicolons
        |     |    |       |            (in this case there is only 1)
        |     |    |       |
        |     |    |       +----------- String to appear in the pulldown on this line
        |     |    |
        |     |    +------------------- Zero based line number where the menu item goes
        |     |
        |     +------------------------ Name of the pulldown to add to
        +------------------------------ The 'mi' command

        Note that pulldown names are 1 to 8 character alphanumeric names.

        pdm           (Pull Down Menus)      
        tmb           (To Menu Bar)          
        mi            (Menu Item)            
        pd            (Pull Down)            
        xd            (Cut  )                
        xp            (Paste)                
        xl            (Copy Literal)         

        regionsCon    (region description)   
        support       (customer support)     

  Copyright (c) 1994, Robert Styma Consulting.  All rights reserved.