ARPUS/ce, Version 2.6.2 (03/10/05)    (SCCS 1.4)
    echo [-r]
    "Highlight Text"
        'echo'  is  normally  used in conjunction with the 'dr' (define region)
        command to begin highlighting a region of text. 
        To define and highlight a region of  text,  place  the  cursor  at  the
        start  of the desired region, issue the command sequence 'dr;echo', and
        move the cursor to the end of  the  desired  region.   Then  start  the
        operation  you  want  to  perform  on that region, such as 'xc' (copy),
        'xd'   (delete),   's/<oldpat>/<newpat>/'   (search-and-replace),    or
        'case'.   Once  the operation is performed, the highlight is turned off
        and the mark stack is cleared. 
        By default the F1 key is defined as "dr;echo". 
            -r          mark a rectangular region of text;  the  mark  and  the
                        cursor  location  represent  opposite  corners  of  the
                        rectangular region.  If you issue the command  sequence
                        'dr;echo  -r'  and  then  move the cursor around in the
                        window, you will  see  the  highlighted  region  change
                        size according to the cursor's location. 
                        If  the  cursor  is in the same column as the mark, the
                        highlighted region is  not  rectangular,  but  includes
                        all  text  between  (i) the marked row and the row that
                        the cursor is on and (ii) the  marked  column  and  the
                        ends of the rows in the region. 
        To cancel a highlight operation, use the 'abrt' command.  Commands such
        as  copy (xc), and text_flow (tf) which operate on a region, clear  the
        If  the mark stack is currently empty, the 'echo' command by itself has
        no effect. 
        cms           (Clear Mark Stack)     
        dr            (Define Region)        
        gm            (Go to Mark)           
        rm            (Re-Mark)              
        regionsCon    (region description)   
        regexpCon     (regular expressions)  
        support       (customer support)     

  Copyright (c) 2005, Robert Styma Consulting.  All rights reserved.