ARPUS/ce, Version 2.6.2 (03/10/05)    (SCCS 1.5)
 [position] dr
 "define region"
     Use  'dr' to place a mark at a specific position within the file.
     'dr'  is  normally used in conjunction with 'echo' to select  and
     highlight  a region of text on which a subsequent operation  will
     be performed.
     'dr' can be used in several forms:
      dr          mark the current cursor position
      [r,c]dr     mark the  specified  row  and column and place the
                  text cursor there
      /<pat>/dr   Sarch  for  the  given pattern (or  the  previously
                  searched  pattern if '<pat>' is null) and, mark  its
                  location  and place the cursor there; is also  valid
                  with  the backward search operators ?? and \\ If the
                  pattern  is  not  found, the mark is placed  at  the
                  current cursor position.
     cms           (Clear Mark Stack)     
     echo          (Highlight Text)       
     gm            (Go to Mark)           
     rm            (Re-Mark)              
     lbl           (Create a label)       
     glb           (Goto label)           
     regionsCon    (region description)   
     regexpCon     (regular expressions)  
     support       (customer support)     

  Copyright (c) 2005, Robert Styma Consulting.  All rights reserved.