ARPUS/ce, Version 2.6.2 (03/10/05)    (SCCS 1.4)
    "to input window"
        If  this  command  is  given from within a ceterm window, the cursor is
        placed in the shell input window (also known as the input pad). 
        If the command is given from a ce window  (that  is,  and  edit  window
        without  the  input and transcript pad functions), the cursor is placed
        at the "Command: " prompt. 

        If  this command is executed in the shell input window, the cursor will
        move  to the input window of the next unobscured window.  For a ceterm,
        this  is  the  shell  input window.  For an edit window,  this  is  the
        command  input  window  if the file is in read only mode and  the  main
        window if it is in edit mode.

        In a ceterm window:

           From        To
           Window      Window
           main    ->  shell
           shell   ->  another Ce session
           command ->  shell

        In an edit window

           From        To
           Window      Window
           main     ->  command
           command  ->  another Ce session
           msg out  ->  command

        Receiving end of to "another Ce session"

           Type of         To
           Ce session      Window
           edit window  -> main
           browse       -> command
           ceterm       -> shell
           ceterm vt100 -> main

        tdm           (To DM)                
        tdmo          (To DM Output)         
        tmw           (To Main Window)       
        tn            (To Next Window)       

        curswinCon    (Cursor and Window)    

        support       (customer support)     

  Copyright (c) 2005, Robert Styma Consulting.  All rights reserved.