ARPUS/ce, Version 2.6.2 (03/10/05)    (SCCS 1.7)
 Concept:  Cursor movement and window scrolling.
     You  use cursor movement commands and keys to position the cursor
     at specific points in the text.  You use modified cursor movement
     keys  and  scrolling  keys to position the edit window  'over'  a
     portion  of the file.  The following diagrams help illustrate the
     relationship  between  a window, the text that is viewed  through
     the  window,  and  the effects of cursor movement  and  scrolling
     DIAGRAM 1:  
        Our  data  file as it appears on disk.  The file is  basically
        'invisible' until we open a window on it.
           The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.
               *   *   *
           Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of
           their country.
               *   *   *
           If at first you don't succeed, try try again.

     DIAGRAM  2:
        A  window  open on the file.  The window's size is 35  columns
        wide  by 3 lines long, and the window's borders are  indicated
        by the lines.  Notice that the window is not quite wide enough
        to show all of the lines in their entirety.  (The data that is
        visually  truncated  can   be  made   visible  via  horizontal
        scrolling, shown in DIAGRAM 4.)
             |The quick brown fox jumps over the |
             |    *   *   *                      |
             |Now is the time for all good men to|
     DIAGRAM 3:
       The  window  scrolled  vertically 2 lines (via 'pv'  or  'pp').
       Imagine that we can 'move' the window in any direction over the
       text.   This movement is called 'scrolling'.  In DIAGRAM 2, the
       first  three lines (lines 1, 2, and 3) of the file are visible.
       If  we  scroll  DOWN 2 lines, lines 3, 4, and 5  will  then  be
             |Now is the time for all good men to|
             |their country.                     |
             |    *   *   *                      |

     DIAGRAM 4:
        The  window scrolled vertically another line and also scrolled
        horizontally 10 columns (via 'ph').
             |try.                               |
             |  *                                |
             |t you don't succeed, try try again.|
     Note  that  a  scroll operation may effect the  position  of  the
     cursor,  although the cursor will never end up positioned outside
     the  text  window   as   the  result   of   a  scroll  operation.

     Cursor movement operations only change the location of the cursor
     within the window.  A cursor movement operation will never scroll
     the  data,  i.e.  will never change the relationship between  the
     window and the text that is visible through it.

     By  default,  your  page keyas and arrow are  defined  to  perform
     cursor movement and window scrolling operations:
          Insert           Home              Page Up
     | insrt/overstrike |  To beg of line  | Scroll up 1/2 pg |
     |                  |                  |                  | Shift
     |                  |                  | Undo             | Control
          Del              End              Page Down 
     |  Del char        |  To end of line  | Scroll dn 1/2 pg |
     |                  |                  |                  | Shift
     | Delete line      |                  | Redo             | Control

                           Up arrow
                        |   Cursor up      |
                        | Scroll up 1 line | Shift
                        | Scroll up 1/2 pg | Control
          Left arrow       Down arrow        Right arrow
     |  Cursor left     |   Cursor down    |  Cursor Right    |
     | Scroll lft 1 col | Scroll dn 1 line | Scroll rt 1 col  | Shift
     | Scroll lft 10 col| Scroll dn 1/2 pg | Scroll rt 10 cols| Control

 TITLE BAR (or legend line)
     At  the  top of the Ce window is a information line  which  gives
     information about the ce or ceterm window.  The left side of this
     line  gives  the name of the file being edited or in the case  of
     ceterm, the name of the shell being run and the process id of the
     shell  in parens.  If Ce is being run on a different node than it
     is  being displayed on, the name of the node the ce or ceterm  is
     running  on  is displayed to the right of the file name in  angle
     brackets <>. On the right side of the title bar is a set of boxed
     characters which give information about the window. The following
     diagram summarizes the information in these boxes.

     |                                                     |
     |                              flags 0 1 2 3 4        |
     |file <node>                           I              |
     |                                    r O              |
     |                                    W R M   Lineno   |

     file   -   Name of the file being edited
     <node> -   Node ce is running on if not the local node.
                Otherwise blank

     I      -   Insert mode, Alternative is overstrike mode (O)
                Controlled by "ei" command (^i)
     O      -   Overstrke mode, Alternative is insert mode
                Controlled by "ei" command (^i)
     R      -   Read only mode (browse)
                Controlled by "ro" command (^m)
     W      -   Window wrap mode is active
                Controlled by "ww" command.
     r      -   Recording mode is active
                Controlled by "rec" command.
     M      -   File has been modified

     Line   -   Line number of the top line on the window

     |                                                     |
     |                              flags 0 1 2 3 4        |
     |shell(pid)<node>                    r I H S A        |
     |                                          J          |
     |                                          V          |

     shell  -   Name of the shell being run
     (pid)  -   Process id of the Shell
     <node> -   Node ce is running on if not the local node.
                Otherwise blank
     I      -   Insert mode, Alternative is overstrike mode (O)
                Refers to the Unix command window and "Command:"
                window.  Controlled by "ei" command (^i)
     H      -   Hold mode.  Manual scrolling the the window is
                enabled.  Blank for data scrolled onto the screen
                Controlled by "wh" command.
                as it is received from the shell.
     S      -   Smooth Scroll mode.  Data is scrolled one line at a time.
                Blank for block mode, Last page of data is 
                Controlled by (ws) command.
     J      -   Jump Scroll mode.  Data is scrolled to the bottom
                as data is sent to to the screen.  This is the
                alternative to smooth scroll mode.
                Controlled by (ws) command.
     A      -   Autohold mode.  Hold mode is activated every time
                a screen full of data arrives.  Use "wh" command
                to reset for another screen of data.
                Controlled by the "wa" command.
     V      -   Window is in vt100 emulation mode.  Controlled by
                "vt" command and "-autovt" option.
     r      -   Recording mode is active
                Controlled by "rec" command.

     ad            (Arrow Down)           
     al            (Arrow Left)           
     ar            (Arrow Right)          
     au            (Arrow Up)             

     line          (Line Number)          
     rowcol        (Character Position)   
     $             (Dollar)               

     pb            (Pad Bottom)           
     ph            (Pad Horizontal)       
     pp            (Pad Page)             
     pt            (Pad Top)              
     pv            (Pad Vertical)         

     tb            (To Bottom)            
     tl            (To Left)              
     tr            (To Right)             
     tt            (To Top)               
     ei            (Insert/Overstrike)    
     ro            (Read Only)            
     rec           (Record)               

     vt            (VT100 Emulation)      
     wa            (Window Autohold)      
     wh            (Window Hold)          
     ws            (Window Scroll)        
     ww            (Window Wrap)          

     title         (WM title)             
     cv            (Create View)          
     cc            (Carbon Copy)          
     ceterm        (terminal window)      
     intro         (Introduction to Ce)   
     commands      (List of Commands)     
     keyboard      (common keys)          
     xresources    (X resources & args)   

     regionsCon    (region description)   
     keyCon        (Key Concepts)         
     LinuxCon      Using Ce on Linux      

     xdmc          (Execute DM Commands)  
     support       (customer support)     

  Copyright (c) 2005, Robert Styma Consulting.  All rights reserved.