ARPUS/ce, Version 2.6.2 (03/10/05)    (SCCS 1.4)
    ph [n]
    "pad horizontal"
        'ph'  scrolls  the window horizontally the specified number of columns.
        If n is positive, the window is scrolled to  the  right,  meaning  that
        left-most  columns  will be shifted out of view.  If n is negative, the
        window is scrolled to the left,  shifting  right-most  columns  out  of
        view.  If n is omitted, the window is scrolled to the right 1 column. 
        If  the  left-most visible column is not column 1, that column's number
        appears in the window legend. 
        pb            (Pad Bottom)           
        pp            (Pad Page)             
        pt            (Pad Top)              
        pv            (Pad Vertical)         

        tb            (To Bottom)            
        tl            (To Left)              
        tr            (To Right)             
        tt            (To Top)               

        curswinCon    (Cursor and Window)    

        support       (customer support)     

  Copyright (c) 2005, Robert Styma Consulting.  All rights reserved.