The objects on the Server Info dialog are as follows:
This text area displays the list of files which may be down loaded. You may select one or more file names with the left mouse button and then either keep or delete them. You may select and delete/keep multiple times. When you press the OK button, the list as shown is used as the list of files to download. If you press cancel, the list is unchanged.
This button closes the dialog, returning to the Main dialog. The download resumes the down load process. It begins downloading the list of files shown in the File List Display Area.
This button closes the dialog, returning to the Main dialog. The download is canceled.
This button removes the selected file(s) from the list.
This button removes all but the selected files(s) from the list.
This button restores the list to as it appeared when the dialog opened.
This button starts an amodal find dialog box which allows you to search for strings within the list of file names. Searches are always in the forward direction and will wrap at the bottom of the list. When a find is successful, the line in the list is selected and the line is placed as the first line on the screen if possible. If the line is on the last page of data, it cannot be brought up to be the first line of data. If the find button is pressed when the amodal find dialog is already up, the search start is repositioned at the top of the file.
This radio button causes the files to be ordered in the list by the date and time they were posted. This is the order they will be downloaded. You cannot change the order of download.
This radio button causes the files to be ordered in the list by size, smallext first.
This radio button causes the files to be ordered in the list by size.