ARPUS/Ce: Introduction

Getting Out

If you have started Ce without running "ce_init" and are looking at the manual to determine how to get out without modifying the file, read this: Under normal conditions "<Ctrl> n" or "<Ctrl> F8" will exit without saving the file. If this has no effect, use the mouse to move the cursor to the "command:" window and type "wc -q" (window close -quit). You may get the prompt "File modified, OK to quit?". Respond with a "Y". If you have to use the "wc -q" command, you will need to execute "ce_init" and then "ce -reload".

ARPUS/Ce is an integrated ascii text editor and X based terminal emulator modeled after the editor and terminal emulator on Apollo Domain systems. The ce tool is a robust and extensible programmer's editor. The ceterm tool is meant to be a replacement for vendor-supplied X-based terminal window programs such as IBM's "aixterm", HP's "hpterm", DEC's "decterm", and Sun's "Shell Tool".

If you are a new Ce user the very first thing you need to do is run the shell script "ce_init" to build your $HOME/.Cekeys file and set some options in $HOME/.Xdefaults. The "ce_init" command provides a short getting started tutorial and references several start up help pages. If you are just installing Ce, look at the README file in the Ce directory created by un-tar'ing the Ce install file or see Appendix E, Installation Summary. If you are familiar with ascii text editors such as vi and dtpad, see the Ce Quick Start Reference at the end of this section to try out the basic functionality of Ce.

If you are a new user of ARPUS/Ce, we encourage you to learn first how to use this product as an editor. Chapters 1 through 3 are devoted entirely to editor functions. In Chapter 4 we introduce you to ceterm. This progression allows you to smoothly transition from your current shell tool to ceterm.

The bulk of the documentation you will use is located in the help files. The help files go into much greater detail than this manual. Pressing the "F9" key will prompt for a help topic. On Sun workstations, the "Help" key also works. A null response will bring up an introduction to using help. Topic "commands" will bring up an index of all available topics.



Refers to the product Ce as a whole.

ce, ceterm, cv

Refers to the UNIX commands used to invoke the product.

"Command:" window

Refers to the input window in the lower left corner of a Ce window which has the prompt "Command:", and is used to enter Ce commands.

"Command:" prompt

Examples using the "Command:" prompt as a prefix are executed in the command: window.

"UNIX:" prompt

Examples using the "UNIX:" prompt are UNIC shell commands.

User Guide Organization

Chapter 1 Editing Basics: Shows how to open a file for editing and introduces Ce's basic editing features (cursor control, window scrolling, pattern search, text editing, search-and-replace, and copy/cut/paste operations, window geometry, on-line help, bug reports and enhancement requests).

Chapter 2 Environment Customization: Shows how to customize certain aspects of the Ce environment, such as foreground/background colors, window size and location, tab processing, and other edit environment characteristics.

Chapter 3 Advanced Editor Use: Gives in-depth descriptions of Ce editing concepts such as regular pattern usage, copy/cut/paste operations, edit command scripts, tab processing, and file saving.

Chapter 4 The "ceterm" Window: Describes the "ceterm" terminal emulator.

Appendix A Key summary: Lists all keys that have default Ce definitions assigned.

Appendix B Command Summary: Lists all Ce commands along with brief descriptions of their functions.

Appendix C Key Customization: Discusses the default key definitions and shows how to modify those definitions or create new definitions.

Appendix D Change History: Summarizes the changes between releases of Ce.

Appendix E Installation Summary: Lists the files, directories, and links, both in the system directories and in the users' home directories, that are used by Ce.

Appendix F License Server: Describes the setup for the license server. This is of interest to the person installing the product.

We encourage you to seat yourself at a workstation and use Ce while you browse this manual. You will find numerous command examples scattered throughout the User Guide, since it is most often the case that hands-on experimentation will greatly increase the speed with which you gain proficiency withCe.

You will also find that the on-line files include extensive help text for all Ce commands and concepts. As indicated in Chapter 1, Editing Basics, such help is generally available at the click of a mouse button.

You have to run "ce_init" before running ce or ceterm the very first time.

Ce Quick Start Reference




Mark (See Note)

<Shift> F1

Mark Rectangular


Copy to Paste Buffer

<Shift> F2

Copy to Paste Buffer Rectangular


Cut to Paste Buffer

<Shift> F3

Cut to Paste Buffer Rectangular



<Shift> F4

Paste Rectangular


Delete Line

<Shift> F5

Delete to End of Line

<Ctrl> F5

Delete Word


Paste Line Deleted by F5

<Shift> F6

Paste Area Deleted by <Shift> F5

<Ctrl> F6

Paste Word Deleted by <Ctrl> F5


Undo (Infinite undo stack)

<Shift> F7

Redo (Reverse of undo)


Save and Quit (window manager Close pulldown does this)

<Shift> F8

Save file, don't quit. Toggle to read only mode

<Ctrl> F8

Quit without saving



<Ctrl> t

Move to top of file

<Ctrl> b

Move to bottom of file

<Ctrl> m

Toggle read only mode


Toggle Insert/overstrike mode


Delete a character


Go to beginning of line


Go to end of line

<shift> Left

Scroll Left one character

<shift> Right

Scroll Right one character

<Ctrl> left

Scroll Left ten characters

<Ctrl> right

Scroll Right ten characters

Arrow keys

Move the cursor as expected

Page up/down

Page by 1/2 page

NOTE: The mark command "F1" is like pressing the left mouse button down in an xterm. It establishes the base for the region to be copied or cut and begins text highlighting. The copy command "F2" is like releasing the left mouse button in an xterm. Note that a rectangular mark implies a rectangular copy or cut.

SUN Type 5 Keyboard Extensions






Copy from text cursor to end of line to command window
(Ceterm -> UNIX command, Ce -> Ce command)


Show keyname for next key pressed (kk command)

<Shift> Props

Show keyname for next 2 keys pressed (kk;kk)



<Shift> Undo



(Intercepted and processed by SUN window manager)


(Intercepted and processed by SUN window manager)


Copy to Paste Buffer

<Shift> Copy

Copy to Paste Buffer Rectangular



<Shift> Paste

Paste Rectangular


Cut to Paste Buffer

<Shift> Cut

Cut to Paste Buffer Rectangular

NOTE: "<Ctrl> Copy", "<Ctrl> Cut", and "<Ctrl> Paste" perform the expected operations to an alternate paste buffer. This makes it easy to grab two separate chunks of text. "<Ctrl> F2", "<Ctrl> F3", and "<Ctrl> F4" also access the alternate paste buffer.