ARPUS/ce, Version 2.6.2 (03/10/05)    (SCCS 1.5)
 wa [-on | -off]
 window autohold mode
     Use  window  autohold  mode to have your  ceterm  transcript  pad
     automatically  placed  in hold mode whenever commands run in  the
     ceterm  shell  generate enough output to fill one ceterm  window.

     When autohold mode is enabled, an 'A' within a box appears in the
     upper right region of the window's title bar.

     This command works closely with the 'wh' (window hold) command as
     follows. Assume you have a key called 'Pause' whose definition is
     'wh'.   If your ceterm transcript shows 20 lines and you enter  a
     shell  command that produces 100 lines, the following sequence of
     events  takes place (assuming you have a key what we refer to  as
     the 'hold key' and that is defined as 'wh'):
         A.  The  command's  output  (lines 1-20)  fills  the  window.

         B.  The  window  is  automatically placed in  autohold  mode,
             indicated  by the appearance of the 'H' in the title bar.

         C.  You  press the 'hold key', which takes the window out  of
             hold  mode  (the  'H'   in  the  title  bar  disappears).

         D.  The  command's  output  (lines  21-40)  again  fills  the
             window,  automatically causing the window to be placed in
             hold mode.

         E.  You  again press the 'hold key' to take the window out of
             hold  mode  so that it can display the next set of  lines
             (lines 41-60).

         F.  Repeat  events  (D)  and (E) until all of  the  command's
             output is viewable
     Note  that when the window is automatically placed in hold  mode,
     you  can perform scrolling and other operations in the transcript
     pad,  just  as  if you yourself placed the window in  hold  mode.

     This  command only applies to ceterm windows and not ce  windows.
     Ceterm  indicates  that it is in autohold mode by  displaying  an
     uppercase  'A'  enclosed in a small box in the ceterm title  bar.

     The default for wa if -off.  The initial state of window autohold
     may  be  set  via  the "-autohold {yes | no}"  parameter  or  the
     ceterm.autohold X resource.
     cterm.autohold : y
     Will cause ceterms to start with autohold on.
     xresources    (Arguments and X resources)           
     vt            (Vt100 Emulation)                     
     wh            (Window Hold)                         
     ws            (Window Scroll)                       
     support       (customer support)                    

  Copyright (c) 2005, Robert Styma Consulting.  All rights reserved.