ARPUS/ce, Version 2.6.2 (03/10/05)    (SCCS 1.6)
 rec [-p] [<pathname>]
 "Record Commands"
     'rec'  instructs 'ce' to begin recording commands from  keystrokes
     to the named file or paste buffer.  'rec' with no parameters turns
     command  recording  off.  If recording is already on and  a  'rec'
     command  with  parameters  is  found.  The  current  recording  is
     terminated and a new recording started.

     Commands are recorded in cmdf format, so a command sequence can be
     replayed using the cmdf command.

     -p    This option specifies that <pathname> is a paste buffer such
           as  is created by an 'xc <name>'.  When using -p there is  a
           limit  of 8192 characters of record data allowed.  If -p  is
           specified  without  <pathname>,  the default  unnamed  paste
           buffer is used. Commands recorded using the -p option can be
           played back with cmdf -p.

 1.  Mouse  movement   is   tracked  by   generating   relative  motion
     "[<num>,<num>]"  commands.  The positioning commands are generated
     when commands are generated.

 2.  All  generated positioning is done via relative commands.  Thus  a
     command sequence can be recorded in one place in a file and played
     back  somewhere else.  Of course, if the command sequence recorded
     contains  absolute position commands such as pt;tt;tl or [5,5], an
     absolute position is recorded.

 3.  When  command  recording  is on, a lower case 'r' appears  in  the
     title bar area.

     cmdf          (Command File)         
     rowcol        (Character Position)   

     pastebufCon   (Paste buffers)        
     commands      (List of Commands)     
     keyboard      (common keys)          

     Below has example of setting up record and playback.
     keyCon        (Key Concepts)         

     curswinCon    (Cursor and Window)    
     support       (customer support)     

  Copyright (c) 2005, Robert Styma Consulting.  All rights reserved.