ARPUS/ce, Version 2.6.2 (03/10/05)    (SCCS 1.3)
    "ReDraw window"
        'rd'   instructs  ce to immediately redraw the window.  This  is  done
        without  reguard to pending X events or other activity.  It is used in
        the  preparation  of demonstrations along the sleep  command.  Because
        this  is  effectively an out of order call to an internal  Ce  drawing
        routine,  some cursor dancing or other anomalies may be observed  when
        using this command.

        Normally,  Ce  does drawing after all pending commands are  completed.
        For  example  the CTL-t key combination normally contains the  command
        sequence  "pt;tt;tl",  which  causes  the  top  page  of  data  to  be
        displayed.   Ce  will  process  all three  of  these  commands  before
        redrawing  the  screen.  The same is true of command  files  processed
        with  the "cmdf" command.  All the commands are read in and  processed
        before  the  screen is redrawn.  The 'rd' command is the exception  to
        this and may be used to redraw the screen at intermediate states.
        rs            (Refresh Screen)       
        rw            (Refresh Window)       
        sleep         (sleep)                
        support       (customer support)     

  Copyright (c) 2005, Robert Styma Consulting.  All rights reserved.