ARPUS/ce, Version 2.6.2 (03/10/05)    (SCCS 1.4)
    &'prompt: '
    "prompt the user"
        Ce  key definitions (kd and lkd) and command files (cmdf) support  the
        ability  to prompt the user for input and then merge that input into a
        command.  An example of this is the default 'help' key definition.

        kd Help    cv  ke

        This  definition  prompts the user for a command name and places  that
        command name into a cv command and then executes the command.  Prompts
        may  be  included  in command files but not in commands typed  in  the
        command  window  or  in  the .Cekeys file.  In  a  command  file,  the
        execution  of  the  command  file is suspended  until  the  prompt  is

        Other examples:

        kd ^1 s/abc/def &'hello '/ ke

        Generates a  key definition to prompt  the  user (using prompt  hello)
        and  then replaces  'abc'  with 'def <value>'.  Where <value> is  what
        was entered in the prompt.
        kd ^1 s/abc/def @@&/ ke
        Generates a key definition to replace the string 'abc' with 'def abc'.

        kd            (Key Definition)       
        cmdf          (Command File)         
        commands      (List of Commands)     
        support       (customer support)     


  Copyright (c) 2005, Robert Styma Consulting.  All rights reserved.