ARPUS/ce, Version 2.6.2 (03/10/05)    (SCCS 1.2)
 [position] lbl [<name>]
 "define label"
     Use  'lbl'  to place a marker at a specific position  within  the
     file  with  the named label.  This label remains associated  with
     this  location  in the file until the Ce session is exited.   The
     label  is  associated with the spot in the file at the  time  the
     label  is assigned.  If data is added or removed above the  file,
     the label moves as appropriate.  If the line containing the label
     is deleted or cut, the label is deleted.  As with color data, the
     label cannot be cut or pasted. Redefining a label removes the old
     label.  Labels can only be placed in the Ce main edit pad and the
     ceterm transcript pad.

     If  line  numbers are turned on, the first six characters of  the
     label name are displayed in the line number field for the line in
     reverse video. If <name> is omitted, a null string is assumed for
     the  label.   You can have one unnamed label.  This label is  not
     displayed  in the line number field.  The unnamed label is useful
     if you have a script which defines a bunch of labels and then you
     want to return to your starting point in the file. See examples.


     Consider the following sequence:
     lbl                 # create a label at the current position
     1                   # Go to line 1 column 1
     /main *(/;lbl main  # Find the main procedure and set label
     /static void dump_atom/;lbl dump_atom   # find routine dump_atom and set label
     glb                 # Go back where we started
     glb           (Goto Label)           
     dlb           (Delete Labels)        

     echo          (Highlight Text)       
     gm            (Go to Mark)           
     rm            (Re-Mark)              
     regionsCon    (region description)   
     regexpCon     (regular expressions)  
     support       (customer support)     

  Copyright (c) 2005, Robert Styma Consulting.  All rights reserved.