ARPUS/ce, Version 2.6.2 (03/10/05)    (SCCS 1.9)
 Concept:  Keys and key definitions.
     While  everything  you want to accomplish in an edit window can be done
     explicitly through command input at the "Command: "  prompt,  you  will
     most  likely  use  a variety of keys or key combinations that invoke ce

     In general, every key on the keyboard can be defined to execute some Ce
     command  sequence.  The modifier keys (Shift, Ctrl, Alt, ...  ) can  be
     used to multiply  the number of possible definitions.  In addition, the
     mouse  keys  are considered to be keys with the names m1 (for the  left
     button), m2 (for the center button), and m3 (for the right button).  In
     compliance  with X standards, m4 and m5 can be defined, but a 5  button
     mouse would be needed to access these.  Both the downstroke of a key or
     mouse button can be defined as well as the upstroke.

     The  "kd" command is used to assign Ce command sequences to keys and to
     view the command sequences for a given key name.  The help page for the
     kd  command contains the syntax for defining keys with and without  the
     various modifiers and also putting a definition under the upstroke of a
     key.   The  kk command information on the X key names  associated  with

         Example  1:
                 An example is the "<RETURN>" key.  When the cursor is in  a
                 ce  or  cv window, and "<RETURN>" is pressed, it implements
                 the  ce  command  "en",  which  means  "insert  a   newline
                 character  at  the  cursor  position".  In other words, the
                 "<RETURN>" key is DEFINED as the command sequence "en". 
                 One  popular  re-definition  of  the  "<RETURN>"   key   is
                 "tr;en",  which  first  places the cursor at the end of the
                 current line (tr) and then  inserts  a  newline  character.
                 Effectively   this  key  definition  causes  "<RETURN>"  to
                 insert a new line below the current line  without  changing
                 the current line. 
         Example  2:
                 In  the  above example, the "<RETURN>" key invokes a single
                 ce command.  In general, a single key or a key  combination
                 can  invoke  a  series  of  commands.  For example, the key
                 combination "<CONTROL> t" by default moves  the  cursor  to
                 line  1,  column  1;   that  key  combination is defined as
                 "pt;tt;tl", which is a series of 3  ce  commands  separated
                 by semicolons. 
         Key Definitions:
                 The  ce  software  is  delivered with a standard set of key
                 definitions.   The  'ce_init'   command   copies   a   file
                 containing  those  standard definitions into $HOME/.Cekeys.
                 If you look at that file, you will see a  number  of  lines
                 of  the  form  "kd <keyname> <definition> ke".  'kd' is the
                 ce command to assign a definition to a key.  Once  you  are
                 comfortable  with  how  those key combinations operate, you
                 will probably want to customize them or  add  new  ones  to
                 suit your editing style. 
                 "$HOME/.Cekeys"  is  loaded the first time you invoke ce or
                 cv in a login  session.   If  you  want  to  create  a  key
                 definition  that  works  every time you start ce or cv, add
                 your own  'kd'  command  to  that  file.   Key  definitions
                 assigned  from  the  command input window are good only for
                 the duration of the login session. 

                 When  Ce loads key definitions, it first checks environment
                 variable  CEKEYS.   If it exists, its value is used as  the
                 name of the file to load the key definitions from.  If this
                 variable is not set, "$HOME/.Cekeys" is used.  This feature
                 is  useful  if you have one home directory but use  several
                 hardware  platforms.  In this environment, you usually have
                 your  .profile  determine which machine you are logging  on
                 to.   At  this  point you can set  the  CEKEYS  environment
                 variable to an appropriate set of key definitions.  You can
                 also  use  this  to load an arbitrary file  by  temporarily
                 setting  CEKEYS and running "ce -reload".  In Borne or Korn
                 shells this would be:
                 CE_KEYS=some/path ce -reload

         Extended Key Definitions:
                 The default key definitions described above use  keys  that
                 can  be found on virtually every keyboard.  The definitions
                 do not take advantage of keys with special labels  such  as
                 "Cut",  "Paste",  etc.   This  is  because  keyboards  vary
                 greatly from system to system.  The  ce  software  includes
                 additional  key definition files to take advantage of those
                 special keys.  Type "ce_init sysnames"  for  a  listing  of
                 systems  for  which  ce  has extended key definition files.
                 You will probably find a key definition file  that  matches
                 your system's keyboard. 

     Keys  which are not defined in the .Cekeys file may carry default
     definitions. These are generally the Alphabetic and numeric keys.
     It is not necessary to define the 'a' key as "es 'a'" explicitly.
     Ce deals with these by default.  It is however possible to define
     the 'a' key to do something else.  The command "kd a es 'eee' ke"
     will  cause the 'a' key to be equivalent to pressing the 'e'  key
     three  times.  This is generally a bad idea since you may end  up
     resorting  to copy and paste to get a letter 'a' to redefine  the
     key.  If a key definition is set to null as in "kd a ke", the key
     will take on it's default meaning.

     The  calculation  of default key definitions is affected  by  the
     "isolatin"  parameter  and  X  resource and the  state  of  vt100
     emulation  in  ceterm.   vt100 emulation overrides  the  isolatin
     state.   Default  key definitions are always in the form of  "es"
     commands for the character pressed.

     The  following  discussion  references keys which  have  a  value
     associated  with them.  The value referenced is the XLookupString
     value for the key event generated when the key is released.  This
     value can be determined with the standard xev program by starting
     xev,  moving  the  pointer into the xev window and  pressing  the
     desired  key.  The last line of the information displayed for the
     key press event is the XLookupString value.  Beware that xev also
     reports  data  on the key release so make sure you are looking  a
     the right thing.

     In  the  default,  state (isolatin off, vt100 off), a key  has  a
     default key definition if the key press event has an value with a
     length  other  than  zero and no modifiers other than  shift  are
     currently pressed.  Thus, even though ^c has a value of x'03', an
     es  of  the 03 is not generated if you press ^c in a window  when
     there is no key definition for ^c.

     In  isolatin  mode, the restriction on modifier keys is  removed.
     This  is  because many of the special European keys  use  special
     modifiers  to access them.  For example: On many HP/UX keyboards,
     the  <extend-char>h combination yields the Yen symbol when  using
     an isolatin font.  If a non-isolatin font is used, it generates a
     non-printable  character.  If a user is making use of the special
     symbols  and  European characters accessed via the  <extend-char>
     key,  it  is  desirable  to insert the  code  for  these  special
     characters  into  the  file  just  as if  they  were  a  standard
     character.   However,  if one is using an American font  and  not
     using  these  characters  and there is no Ce key  definition  for
     *yen,  it  is  desirable to do nothing.  This  makes  the  action
     consistent  with  pressing  *F2 when *F2 has  not  been  defined.

     In  vt100 emulation mode in a ceterm, if the key has a value, the
     value is used even if the key has a key definition. Only if a key
     does  not have a value, is a Ce key definition used.  Note  also,
     that  in vt100 emulation mode, special values are assigned to the
     numeric keypad keys and function keys 1 to 8.

     If  you  are an Apollo user migrating to another  platform,  take
     your  key definition file from your Apollo and put in on the  new
     platform.   The  key  names  change, but most of  the  names  are
     obvious,  f1  becomes F1.  The kk command can help you  find  the
     names  of  the  other keys.  Thus you can carry  your  customized
     environment  with  you.  Some platforms have a left hand bank  of
     keys  with copy and paste keycaps.  These make a good choice  for
     many  of the keys from the left hand key bank on the Apollo.   In
     most  cases,  the  key  definition syntax is the  same  from  the
     Apollo.  In a few cases, the number of escape characters changes.
     Sorry.   Carrying  your custom key definitions with you can go  a
     long way toward making you comfortable on the new platform.

     Some  key  definitions employ search commands (both  forward  and
     reverse)  which  make  use  of "regular expressions"  to  do  the
     pattern matching.  Ce supports both the "regular expressions" use
     by  Apollo  Domain  machines   and  the  standard  Unix  "regular
     expressions".   By  default,  Ce is installed  in  Aegis  regular
     expression mode.  Ce can be converted to Unix regular expressions
     by  either the system administrator or the individual user.   The
     changes  made by the system administrator affect anyone who  runs
     the  ce_init command.  Changes made by an individual affect  only
     that user.

     In  $CEDATADIR/.Xdefaults find the line containing Ce.expr : Unix
     In  the .Xdefaults file, find the line which contains "Ce.expr  :
     U" and uncomment this line.  If the line above it, which contains
     "Ce.expr  : A" is not commented out, comment it out by placing an
     '!' in column 1.

     In  each  of the keydef files with a ".common" suffix,  find  the
     string  "Ce.expr".  This string will be in a comment.   Following
     this line will be one or more key definitions followed by a group
     of commented out key definitions with the same key names prefixed
     by "#Unix expr". Comment out the first set of key definitions and
     uncomment  the second by removing the '#Unix expr' marker string.
     It  is  suggested  that  when commenting out  the  Aegis  regular
     expression  lines  that the string "#Aegis expr" be used in  case
     someone wishes to reverse the process.

     First the X resource used by Ce must be changed to Unix mode.  On
     machines  not running HP/UX or COSE, edit the .Xdefaults file and
     find the Ce.expr line which was created by ce_init. Uncomment the
     "Ce.expr  : Unix" line by removing the '!'.  .Xdefaults files use
     '!' as the comment character. On HP/UX or COSE machines, create a
     file such as /tmp/file with the line
     Ce.expr : U
     and then execute 
     xrdb -merge /tmp/file
     Then use the palate to resave your home session.
     In  your  $HOME/.Cekeys  file, find the string  "Ce.expr".   This
     string  will be in a comment.  Following this line will be one or
     more  key  definitions followed by a group of commented  out  key
     definitions  with  the same key names prefixed by  "#Unix  expr".
     Comment  out  the first set of key definitions and uncomment  the
     second  by  removing  the  '#Unix expr'  marker  string.   It  is
     suggested  that when commenting out the Aegis regular  expression
     lines  that  the  string "#Aegis expr" be used  in  case  someone
     wishes to reverse the process.

     If  your  installation  has   been  defaulted  to  Unix  "regular
     expression"  mode  by  the system administrator and you  wish  to
     change  back  to Aegis mode, you are at the mercy of  the  system
     administrator.   If the Aegis mode definitions were commented out
     with  "#Aegis expr" as is recommended above, you just reverse the
     conversion process.  If the original lines were deleted, You will
     have to convert ^F5 and the mouse definitions yourself. The mouse
     definition keys are listed near the end of this help file.

     The environment variable CE_KDP can be used to have multiple sets
     of  key definitions active on the same display at the same  tine.
     If  the -kdp argument is NOT specfied and the CE_KDP  environment
     variable  is set all windows started with this use a separate set
     of key definitions.  The value of the environment variable is not
     critical.   By default, key definitions are associated with an  X
     property  name  CeKeys.  When the CE_KDP environment variable  is
     set,  the  key definitions associated with the X  property  whose
     name is the value of the CE_KDP environment variable is used.  If
     there  are  not key definitions associated with this  X  property
     name,  the .Cekeys file on the machine where the ce or ceterm  is
     running  will  be   loaded   and  associated   with   this  name.

     There  are  cases  where  a person wants  to  use  different  key
     definitions  for windows originating on a particular machine.  By
     setting  the CE_KDP environment variable in the .profile for that
     machine  to  other than the default value, ce and ceterm  windows
     started  on  that  machine  will  use   key  definitions  from  a
     $HOME/.Cekeys  file on that machine.  If you do this, you are  on
     your own as far as keeping track of which windows are using which
     set of key definitions.

     1.  It  is possible to define keys which cannot be pressed.  This
         can  be done in two ways.  First all the X key names known to
         your  X server are available for definition.  Thus you  could
         type  "kd  yen es 'abc' ke" even if there is no key  on  your
         keyboard  which  generates the yen keysym.  The other  is  by
         miscombining  modifiers  to create unreachable  states.   For
         example,  the  definition "kd aS es 'ab' ke" would appear  to
         redefine  the  shifted 'a'.  However, more  specifically,  it
         defines  the  shifted lower case 'a'.  When the shift key  is
         pressed,  the  keysym generated by the X server is the  upper
         case  'A'.   Thus you will not ever get a shifted lower  case
         'a', only a shifted upper case 'A'.  By the same rule, if you
         want  to  redefine upper case 'A', you need to  define  upper
         case 'A' shifted (AS).  Ce cannot code special cases for this
         since  it is quite legal to use the xmodmap utility to define
         some  key which generates the lower case 'a' keysym when  the
         shift key is pressed.

     2.  Occasionally  one  may  suddenly find that none  of  the  key
         definitions  appear to work.  You check the definition and it
         is there, but you press the key and nothing happens. Check to
         see  if the cap's lock is down or the num-lock.  Thus all the
         keys are being subjected to the modifier. The num-lock is not
         a  problem  on some platforms but is on others.  To  fix  the
         problem  permanently  and free up the NumLock key  for  other
         purposes,  put  the   following  line   in  your  .dtprofile,
         .vueprofile, or .openwin-init file as appropriate.

         xmodmap -e "remove mod3 = Num_Lock" 2>/dev/console

         If  you do this, a popular set of custom key definitions  you
         can apply to your .Cekeys file are as follows:

         kd Num_Lock rec -p cemacro ke       # macro record on
         kd KP_Divide rec ke                 # macro record off
         kd KP_Multiply cmdf -p cemacro ke   # macro play

         If  you  are  doing something repetitive,  like  shifting  a
         column  over  3  spaces,  you would press  Num_Lock  to  turn
         recording  on, type the 3 spaces, press arrow down to get  to
         the next line, press arrow left 3 times to get back under the
         next  spot to move, and press the Key Pad Divide key to  turn
         recording off. Then press key pad multiply and it will repeat
         the  insert 3 spaces, go down a line, move left 3 spaces with
         one keystroke.

     Some  Sun  keyboards have a blank key on the top row next to  the
     Help key and 4 blank keys on the top row at the right side of the
     keyboard.   Using the kk command on these keys will give a keysym
     of  "#0" and also list the hardware key code.  Since there is  no
     keysym for this key, it cannot be defined. 

     To  create a keysym for this key, put the following line in  your
     .dtprofile  file  (for  CDE)  or  .openwin-init  file  (for  Open
     Windows)  before  the first toolwait command.  You can  create  a
     .openwin-init  file  by coping  $OPENWINHOME/lib/openwin-init  to
     .openwin-init in your home directory.
     xmodmap -e "keycode 0x34 = Greek_ALPHA" \
             -e "keycode 0x09 = Greek_BETA" \
             -e "keycode 0x0b = Greek_GAMMA" \
             -e "keycode 0x37 = Greek_DELTA" \
             -e "keycode 0x16 = Greek_EPSILON"

     The  Sun  Type 5 keyboards often map the numeric key pad  to  odd
     function key numbers and also to the key keysym as the arrow keys
     and page up keys.  To break these out for independent use you can
     put  the  following  in   your  .dtprofile  or  .openwin-init  as
     appropriate. They set the keysyms for the numeric pad to the more
     intuitive values.

     xmodmap -e "keycode 0x65 = KP_0" \
      -e "keycode 0x77 = KP_1" \
      -e "keycode 0x78 = KP_2" \
      -e "keycode 0x79 = KP_3" \
      -e "keycode 0x62 = KP_4" \
      -e "keycode 0x63 = KP_5" \
      -e "keycode 0x64 = KP_6" \
      -e "keycode 0x4B = KP_7" \
      -e "keycode 0x4C = KP_8" \
      -e "keycode 0x4D = KP_9"

     xmodmap -e "keycode 0x39 = KP_Decimal" \
      -e "keycode 0x84 = KP_Add" \
      -e "keycode 0x4e = KP_Subtract" \
      -e "keycode 0x36 = KP_Multiply" \
      -e "keycode 0x35 = KP_Divide"

     kd            (Key Definition)                      
     lkd           (Local Key Definition)                
     kk            (Key Key)                             
     commands      (List of Commands)                    
     xresources    (Arguments and X resources)           
     keyboard      (default definitions)                 

     support       (customer support)                    

     xev       manual page (execute man xev from a Unix prompt)
     xmodmap   manual page (execute man xmodmap from a Unix prompt)


     The  standard  Ce   key   definitions  handle   most   of  the  editing
     functionality  using  a standardized set of keys.  However, to  provide
     examples  of  other  uses  of the Ce command  set,  the  following  key
     definitions  are   provided   along  with   explanations.    These  key
     definitions  have been found to be useful and may be of interest.  With
     the  exception of the mouse keys, the key name used for a given key may
     change based on the actual key map used at your site.  To try out any of
     these key definitions, copy them to the bottom of your .Cekeys file and
     run "ce -reload" to install them.  

# The following definitions set the Shell DISPLAY environment variable to the
# place the ceterm is being displayed.  This is useful when doing telnets. The
# first definition is for non-vt100 mode.  The second is for vt100 mode.
kd *h   env CEHOST;tdmo;tl;/=/;ar;dr;tr;xc -l host;ti;tl;xd -l junk;es 'DISPLAY=';xp host;tr;es ';export DISPLAY';en;msg ' ' ke
kd *F1  env CEHOST;tdmo;tl;/=/;ar;dr;tr;xc -l host;tmw;es 'DISPLAY=';xp host;es ';export DISPLAY';er 0d ke
# on HP's replace *h with
kd *yen env CEHOST;tdmo;tl;/=/;ar;dr;tr;xc -l host;ti;tl;xd -l junk;es 'DISPLAY=';xp host;tr;es ';export DISPLAY';en;msg ' ' ke

# Many users use the numeric pad keys to arrange windows with the keypad
# mapping to the screen.  That is, the '9' key in the upper right of the
# keypad puts the window in the upper right corner of the screen.  The '8'
# is the top half of the screen, the '4' is the left side of the srceen and
# so on.  They key names may differ with different keyboards and the
# exact geometries may vary with different display screen sizes.  This should
# provide a good start.

#  Apollo DN
kd np1  geo 600x517+0+480 ke
kd np2  geo 1200x517+0+480 ke
kd np3  geo 600x517-80+480 ke
kd np4  geo 600x994+0+0 ke
kd np5  geo 1200x994+0+0 ke
kd np6  geo 600x994-80+0 ke
kd np7  geo 600x517+0+0 ke
kd np8  geo 1200x517+0+0 ke
kd np9  geo 600x517-80+0 ke

# HP/UX 700 series
kd KP_7 geo 575x420+90+35 ke
kd KP_8 geo 1180x420+90+35 ke
kd KP_9 geo 575x420-10+35 ke

kd KP_1 geo 575x400+90-120 ke
kd KP_2 geo 1180x400+90-120 ke
kd KP_3 geo 575x400-10-120 ke

kd KP_4 geo 575x860+90+35 ke
kd KP_5 geo 1180x860+90+35 ke
kd KP_6 geo 575x860-10+35 ke

kd KP_5S geo c80x24+100+100 ke

# Sun Sparc 10, 16" monitor
kd `F27 geo 560x365+5+25 ke
kd `Up  geo 1140x365+5+25 ke
kd ~Up  geo 905x365+245+25 ke
kd `F29 geo 560x365-5+25 ke

kd `R13 geo 560x410+5+425 ke
kd `Down geo 1140x410+5+425 ke
kd `F35 geo 560x410-5+425 ke

kd `Left geo 560x810+5+25 ke
kd `F31 geo 1140x860+5+25 ke
kd `Right geo 560x810-5+25 ke

kd F31S geo c80x24+200+200 ke

# IBM RS6000
kd KP_7 geo 550x465+10+35 ke
kd KP_8 geo 1175x465+10+35 ke
kd KP_9 geo 550x465-100+35 ke

kd KP_1 geo 550x465+10-35 ke
kd KP_2 geo 1175x465+10-35 ke
kd KP_3 geo 550x465-100-35 ke

kd KP_4 geo 550x990+10+35 ke
kd KP_5 geo 1175x990+10+35 ke
kd KP_6 geo 550x990-100+35 ke

# X Station with 14" screen
kd KP_7 geo 490x335+10+35 ke
kd KP_8 geo 1000x335+10+35 ke
kd KP_9 geo 490x335-10+35 ke

kd KP_1 geo 490x335+10-10 ke
kd KP_2 geo 1000x335+10-10 ke
kd KP_3 geo 490x335-10-10 ke

kd KP_4 geo 490x720+10+35 ke
kd KP_5 geo 990x700+10+35 ke
kd KP_6 geo 490x720-10+35 ke

kd *KP_9 geo 790x353+224+34 ke

# Dec Alpha
kd KP_7 geo 550x465+10+35;tt ke
kd KP_8 geo 1175x465+10+35;tt ke
kd KP_9 geo 550x465-100+35;tt ke

kd KP_1 geo 550x465+10-35;tt ke
kd KP_2 geo 1175x465+10-35;tt ke
kd KP_3 geo 550x465-100-35;tt ke

kd KP_4 geo 550x990+10+35;tt ke
kd KP_5 geo 1175x990+10+35;tt ke
kd KP_6 geo 550x990-100+35;tt ke

# When choosing a font to call your favorite.  The following
# key definitions are useful.
# execute "xlsfonts | cv" from the Unix command window and
# have the following key definition installed.
# position the cursor over a font you want to try and press
# alt-z.  This font will be loaded.  When you find a font
# you like, put it in the .Xdefaults file for Ce:font.
# If you get an unreadable font loaded, pick some random
# line and load that font.  That should at least make it readable.
kd *z tl;dr;tr;xc -l font;tdm;tl;xd -l junk;es 'fl ';xp font;tr;en ke
#on HP's use
kd *paragraph tl;dr;tr;xc -l font;tdm;tl;xd -l junk;es 'fl ';xp font;tr;en ke

# When choosing colors, execute "cv /usr/lib/X11/rgb.txt"
# This gives a list of all the colors known to your X server.
# With the following key definitions, mod1-X  will load the
# color on the current cursor line as the background.  
# ctrl-mod1-X will load the color as the foreground color.
# On Sun, mod1 is usually the diamond key.  On other boxes
# it is the alt key.
kd  *x [,14]dr;tr;xc -l color;tdm;tl;xd -l junk;es 'bgc ';xp color;tr;en ke
kd ^*x [,14]dr;tr;xc -l color;tdm;tl;xd -l junk;es 'fgc ';xp color;tr;en ke
on HP's use
kd  *scaron [,14]dr;tr;xc -l color;tdm;tl;xd -l junk;es 'bgc ';xp color;tr;en ke
kd ^*scaron [,14]dr;tr;xc -l color;tdm;tl;xd -l junk;es 'fgc ';xp color;tr;en ke

# When programming, it is nice to be able to quickly find
# balancing delimiters.  The following key definition is
# useful to match delimiters.  See the help for bl for more
# information on bl.
kd *b bl -d ke

  Copyright (c) 2005, Robert Styma Consulting.  All rights reserved.