ARPUS/ce, Version 2.6.2 (03/10/05)    (SCCS 1.4)
    ei [-on | -off]
    "edit insert"
        'ei'  is  used  to  switch the window between insert mode (the default)
        and overstrike mode.  'ei -on' explicitly places the window  in  insert
        mode;  'ei -off' explicitly places it in overstrike mode;  'ei' with no
        option toggles between insert and overstrike modes. 
        In insert mode, text under and to the right of the  cursor  is  shifted
        to  the  right to make room for new text being entered.  Insert mode is
        indicated by the presence of a boxed 'I' in the window legend. 
        In overstrike mode, new text replaces existing text.   Overstrike  mode
        is indicated by the absence of a boxed 'I' in the window legend. 
            -on         put the window in insert mode
            -off        put the window in overstrike mode
        ed            (Delete Character)     
        ee            (Edit Erase)           
        ei            (Insert/Overstrike)    
        en            (Enter Newline)        
        er            (Enter Raw)            
        es            (Enter String)         

        bl            (Balance)              
        ww            (Window Wrap)          
        tf            (Text Flow)            
        case          (Change Case)          

        curswinCon    Cursor and Window      
        support       (customer support)     

  Copyright (c) 2005, Robert Styma Consulting.  All rights reserved.