ARPUS/ce, Version 2.6.2 (03/10/05)    (SCCS 1.4)
    eef [-a <hexchar>]
    "edit end-of-file"
        "eef"  is  the command one would use to send an end-of-file signal to a
        ceterm  shell.   This is analogous to typing ctrl-d in a  shell.   This
        command is a no-op in a non-ceterm window.
        -a <hexchar>
           This  option  sends  the character hexchar to the shell as  the  eof
           character.   <hexchar>  can be  any character valid in an er  (enter
           raw)  command.  This includes two digit hex codes, such as 0C or A3,
           control  constructs  such  as  ^c  or  ^d,   and   C   type  escaped
           characters,  such as \t  and  \r.   For example,  dq -a ^d forces dq
           to  send  the hex 04 character as the eof character  to  the  shell.
           This  feature  is useful on some  platforms when using  telnet.   By
           default eef queries the shells line discipline to  get the interrupt
           character  and  sends  this   character.    Because  multiple   line
           disciplines   are    involved  in  telnet,  the  wrong character  is
           sometimes  returned.   Since EOF is almost always ^d (see  stty(1V))
           this can be compensated for with the -a parameter.

        The normal way to use "eef" is to have the following key definition  in
        your key definitions file:
            kd ^d eef ke
        This  is  in  fact  the  definition that is supplied in the default key
        definition files when you installed ARPUS/ce.
        vt            (Vt100 Emulation)                     
        ceterm        (ceterm - from shell prompt)          
        support       (customer support)                    

  Copyright (c) 2005, Robert Styma Consulting.  All rights reserved.