ARPUS/ce, Version 2.6.2 (03/10/05)    (SCCS 1.3)
 [range] ca [<foreground_color>] [<background_color>]
 "color area"
     'ca'  colors or removes color from a range of text.  The range of
     text follows the same mechanisms as xc and xd (copy and cut).  ca
     operates on a region of text that is either explicitly defined or
     allowed to default. If no region is defined prior to invoking ca,
     the default region is from the current cursor position to the end
     of the line.

     The  colorization  of  data is associated with the data  in  that
     position.   If the data is copied and pasted somewhere else,  the
     colorization does NOT go with it. If data is pasted into or typed
     into  a colored area, the data inherites the color in that  area.
     Colorization  is  not  saved in the file and is lost when  ce  is

     ca  with no parameters removes colorization and returns the  data
     to  it's  normal foreground and background colors.  For  example:
     1,$ca will remove all the colorization from a file.

     Either  the forground color, the background color, or both may be
     specified.  If only one is specified, the other color will remain
     the primary color.  To specify only the background color, code ""
     for the forground color.


         This  is  the color to be applied to the text in  the  region
         being colored.  The color may be a named color such as red or
         a hex RGB value such as '#654321'. Note that RGB values start
         with  a  #  and must therefore be enclosed in  quotes.   This
         avoids  them  being  mistaken for a comment.   On  most  UNIX
         systems    the    list   of   color  names   is   found    in
         /usr/lib/X11/rgb.txt  and  contains the name along  with  the
         decimal  red, green, and blue intensity values.  For example:
         "1,5ca  red" Will color from line 1 column 0 to the  begining
         of  line  5  such  that the text will be  red.   The  command
         "5,/abc/ ca yellow blue" will start at line 5 and then search
         from  the current cursor postion (before the mark at line  5)
         for  the  string  abc.   This area will  be  colored  so  the
         forground  is  yellow  and the background is  blue.   If  the
         forground  color is ommited, it is assumed to be the  primary
         foreground color.

         This  is the color to be applied to the area around the  text
         in  the affected range.  If the background color is ommitted,
         it  is  assumed to be the primary background color.  In  this
         case  the  background  is   actually  tied   to  the  primary
         background  color  so that if a BGC Ce command is  used,  the
         background color in the colorized area will change too.

     1.   Change  the foreground color on line 25 to blue.  At the  Ce
          'Command:' prompt type:
          25 ca blue

     2.   In  this  help  file (assuming you are looking at  the  text
          version  and  not the HTML version), change  the  background
          color  behind the word header <background_color> to  orange.
          Move  the  cursor  the  the angle bracket  before  the  word
          background and press mark (F1). Drag the cursor to just past
          the  close angle bracket and press Escape (Esc).  At the  Ce
          'Command:' window type: ca '' orange

     3.   Open  a  ce window on file "file" with background white  and
          foreground (text) black. Immediately color the text in lines
          5, 8, and 56 red.  Then position the cursor to the beginning
          of line 5.  cv -fg black -bg white -cmd "5 ca red; 8 ca red;
          56 ca red; 5" file

     4.   Open a ce window on file "file" with background DeepSkyBlue.
          and  foreground   (text)   black.   Immediately   color  the
          background of lines 5 through 56 white.
          cv -fg black -bg red -cmd "5dr;echo;56;tr;ca "" white" file

     5.   A  file  is  already  open and your wish to  color  lines  5
          through  56.   You want columns 2 thru 59 colored  blue  and
          columns 72 thru 134 colored red. In the Ce "Command:" window
          [5,2],[56,59]echo -r;ca blue;[5,72],[56,134]echo -r;ca red

     xc            (Copy )            
     bgc           (Background Color) 
     fgc           (Foreground Color) 
     nc            (Next Color)       
     pc            (Prev Color)       
     regionsCon    (marking regions)  
     support       (customer support) 

  Copyright (c) 2005, Robert Styma Consulting.  All rights reserved.