ARPUS/ce, Version 2.6.2 (12/14/05)    (SCCS 1.5)
 bell [<num>]
 "Beep the bell"
     Bell causes the terminal to beep by calling the XBell routine.  Num is
     a  value from -100 to 100 and controls the volume.  The volume is also
     affected  by  the  parameters set up with the X server.  If  <num>  is
     outside  the  range  -100 to 100 it is adjusted to be -100 or  100  as
     appropriate.  See the XBell(3X) manual page for more information.

     The action of the bell command in influcenced by the Ce.bell Xresource
     and  the -bell command line argument.  These controls have one of  the
     values  "on", "off", "visual", or "VISUAL".  On is the default  normal
     behaviour.   Off suppresses bell output.  The visual and VISUAL values
     run  a  visal  bell, that is, the screen flashes instead of  making  a
     noise.   The lower case visual causes the DM Message window to  flash.
     The capital visual causes the main window to flash.
     msg           (Message)              
     xresources    (X resources & args)   

     support       (customer support)     

  Copyright (c) 2005, Robert Styma Consulting.  All rights reserved.