ARPUS/ce, Version 2.6.2 (03/10/05)    (SCCS 1.2)


     EBCDIC : Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code

     Data exchanged between a terminal and a host is generally in a standard
     code or representation. EBCDIC is one such code.

     EBCDIC is a code developed by IBM and is related to Hollerith punch
     card code.

     EBCDIC is an eight bit code which allows 256 combinations. Many of
     these combinations are undefined by IBM. Different IBM product families
     use slightly different versions of the code set. Terminal's do not
     typically use the EBCDIC code unless they are equipped with additional
     hardware and software for running IBM 3270 or 3780 protocols.

     The EBCDIC binary or hex code is obtained by starting with the
     column followed by the row. For example, the character A is hex
     C1 or binary 11000001. The table below is EBCDIC implemented for
     the IBM 3270 Information Display System.

     High order nibble across the top, Low order nibble along the left side.
     | Binary         0000  0001  0010  0011  0100  0101  0110  0111  1000  1001  1010  1011  1100  1101  1110  1111 |
     |         -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     |         | HEX    0     1     2     3     4     5     6     7     8     9     A     B     C     D     E     F  |
     |         |     -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     |   0000  |  0  | NUL | DLE |     |     | SP  |  &  |  -  |     |     |     |     |     |  {  |  }  |  \  |  0  |
     |         |     -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     |   0001  |  1  | SOH | SBA |     |     |     |     |  /  |     |  a  |  j  |  ~  |     |  A  |  J  |     |  1  |
     |         |     -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     |   0010  |  2  | STX | EUA |     | SYN |     |     |     |     |  b  |  k  |  s  |     |  B  |  K  |  S  |  2  |
     |         |     -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     |   0011  |  3  | ETX | IC  |     |     |     |     |     |     |  c  |  l  |  t  |     |  C  |  L  |  T  |  3  |
     |         |     -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     |   0100  |  4  |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |  d  |  m  |  u  |     |  D  |  M  |  U  |  4  |
     |         |     -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     |   0101  |  5  | PT  | NL  |     |     |     |     |     |     |  e  |  n  |  v  |     |  E  |  N  |  V  |  5  |
     |         |     -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     |   0110  |  6  |     |     | ETB |     |     |     |     |     |  f  |  o  |  w  |     |  F  |  O  |  W  |  6  |
     |         |     -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     |   0111  |  7  |     |     | ESC | EOT |     |     |     |     |  g  |  p  |  x  |     |  G  |  P  |  X  |  7  |
     |         |     -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     |   1000  |  8  |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |  h  |  q  |  y  |     |  H  |  Q  |  Y  |  8  |
     |         |     -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     |   1001  |  9  |     | EM  |     |     |     |     |     |     |  i  |  r  |  z  |     |  I  |  R  |  Z  |  9  |
     |         |     -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     |   1010  |  A  |     |     |     |     |  c  |  !  |  |  |  :  |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |
     |         |     -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     |   1011  |  B  |     |     |     |     |  .  |  $  |  ,  |  #  |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |
     |         |     -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     |   1100  |  C  |     | DUP |     | RA  |  <  |  *  |  %  |  @  |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |
     |         |     -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     |   1101  |  D  |     | SF  | ENQ | NAK |  (  |  )  |  _  |  '  |     |     |  [  |  ]  |     |     |     |     |
     |         |     -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     |   1110  |  E  |     | FM  |     |     |  +  |  ;  |  >  |  =  |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |
     |         |     -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     |   1111  |  F  |     | ITB |     | SUB |  |  |  -  |  ?  |  "  |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |

     HEX 4A is the cents character.

     - Hex 00
     - the Null character
     - A control character used for media fill or time fill. 
     - Null characters may be inserted into or removed from a stream of
       data without affecting the information content of that stream.

     - Hex 01
     - Start Of Heading
     - A communication control (CC) character used as the first character
       of a heading of a data block.

     - Hex 02
     - Start of TeXt
     - A communication control (CC) character that precedes a text field.

     - Hex 03
     - End of TeXt
     - A communication control (CC) character that terminates a text field.

     - Hex 05

     - Hex 10
     - Data Link Escape
     - A communication control (CC) character used for code extension
       exclusively to provide supplemental data transmission control
       sequences. Code extension takes place when DLE is followed by
       a predetermined character or characters.

     - Hex 11

     - Hex 12

     - Hex 13

     - Hex 15
     - New Line
     - A format effector (FE) that causes movement down to the next line.
       This character may also cause movement to the first character
       position of the next line. The new feed is optionally referred to
       as Line Feed (LF).

     - Hex 19
     - End of Medium
     - A control character used to identify the end of a medium. This
       is probably the least used ASCII control character.

     - Hex 1C

     - Hex 1D

     - Hex 1E

     - Hex 1F

     - Hex 26
     - End of Transmission Block
     - A communication control (CC) character used to indicate the end
       of a block of data. Generally, the implication of ETB is there
       are more blocks following.

     - Hex 27
     - ESCape
     - A control character intended to provide supplementary characters
       (code extension). This is a more general purpose version of the
       DLE character.

     - Hex 2D
     - ENQuiry
     - A communication control (CC) character used to request a response
       from another station. In Stop-and-Wait ARQ, the station receiving
       the ENQ would respond with a retransmission of the previous data

     - Hex 32
     - SYNchronous idle
     - A communication control (CC) character used by a synchronous
       transmission system for achieving or maintaining synchronism.

     - Hex 37
     - End Of Transmission
     - A communication control (CC) character used to indicate the conclusion
       of a transmission sequence. In some protocols, like IBM BSC, this
       character is used by the control station to stop remote stations from

     - Hex 3C

     - Hex 3D
     - Negative AcKnowledge
     - A communication control (CC) character transmitted by a receiver
       as a negative response to the sender.

     - Hex 3F
     - SUBstitute
     - A control character which can substitute for a character which
       is invalid or received in error.

     - Hex 40
     - Space character


     ASCII : American National Standard Code for Information Interchange

     ASCII         (Non-IBM Code Page)    
     support       (customer support)     


  Copyright (c) 2005, Robert Styma Consulting.  All rights reserved.