Print Contestant Numbers

Print Contestant Numbers

This option is used to print the numbers that are worn by the contestants. It is possible to print either one or two to a sheet of paper. Note that it is wise to always try once with the "print preview" check box checked before sending to a real printer.

Print Contestant Numbers Panel

This panel displays four sets of options in radio buttons. The first determines how many numbers are to be printed. The second determines what goes on each number in addition to the number itself. The third section determines if the numbers are printed one or two to a page. The last section determines if you want an oval or rectangle drawn around the number.

Note that including the contestant's name is only valid in contests where the each contestant keeps the same number for all events. (Excluding Free skating)

Numeric Text Fields

Free style Event Code Ranges

How Many To Print

Sort Options

These options are only enabled if All Numbers In Meet (Unique Num for Each Event) is selected.

Print Options

How Many Numbers on a Page

Outline Shape

Other Options

Sample Output

Two Up
One Up