Packages found on the Solaris 8 Software Vol 2 Disk

Mount the disk in the CDROM and cd /cdrom/cdrom0/s0/Solaris8.0 to get to the directory containing the Product directory. Then run the command:
pkgadd -d Product

The pkgadd tool will list all the packages available with a number to the left of each package name as shown below. After all the packages are listed, choose the number of the package you wish to install.

Packages on Solaris 8 Software Vol 1

SunOS[styma5]: pkgadd -d Product

The following packages are available:
  1  SUNW1394h        Sun IEEE1394 Framework Header Files
                      (sparc) 11.8.0,REV=2000.
  2  SUNWaccr         System Accounting, (Root)
                      (sparc) 11.8.0,REV=2000.
  3  SUNWaccu         System Accounting, (Usr)
                      (sparc) 11.8.0,REV=2000.
  4  SUNWapchS        Source for the Apache httpd server
                      (sparc) 11.8.0,REV=2000.
  5  SUNWapchd        Apache Web Server Documentation
                      (sparc) 11.8.0,REV=2000.
  6  SUNWapchr        Apache Web Server (root)
                      (sparc) 11.8.0,REV=2000.
  7  SUNWapchu        Apache Web Server (usr)
                      (sparc) 11.8.0,REV=2000.
  8  SUNWapppr        PPP/IP Asynchronous PPP daemon configuration files
                      (sparc) 11.8.0,REV=2000.
  9  SUNWapppu        PPP/IP Asynchronous PPP daemon and PPP login service
                      (sparc) 11.8.0,REV=2000.
 10  SUNWarc          Archive Libraries
                      (sparc) 11.8.0,REV=2000.
 11  SUNWarcx         Archive Libraries (64-bit)
                      (sparc) 11.8.0,REV=2000.
 12  SUNWast          Automated Security Enhancement Tools
                      (sparc) 11.8.0,REV=2000.
 13  SUNWaudh         Audio Header Files
                      (sparc) 11.8.0,REV=2000.
 14  SUNWaudmo        Audio demo programs
                      (sparc) 3.6.20,REV=1.1999.12.03
 15  SUNWbash         GNU Bourne-Again shell (bash)
                      (sparc) 11.8.0,REV=2000.
 16  SUNWbashS        Source for the GNU Bourne-Again shell (bash)
                      (sparc) 11.8.0,REV=2000.
 17  SUNWbnur         Networking UUCP Utilities, (Root)
                      (sparc) 11.8.0,REV=2000.
 18  SUNWbnuu         Networking UUCP Utilities, (Usr)
                      (sparc) 11.8.0,REV=2000.
 19  SUNWbtool        CCS tools bundled with SunOS
                      (sparc) 11.8.0,REV=2000.
 20  SUNWbtoox        CCS libraries bundled with SunOS (64-bit)
                      (sparc) 11.8.0,REV=2000.
 21  SUNWbzip         The bzip compression utility
                      (sparc) 11.8.0,REV=2000.
 22  SUNWbzipS        Source for the bzip compression utility
                      (sparc) 11.8.0,REV=2000.
 23  SUNWbzipx        The bzip compression library (64-bit)
                      (sparc) 11.8.0,REV=2000.
 24  SUNWcg6h         GX (cg6) Header Files
                      (sparc) 11.8.0,REV=2000.
 25  SUNWcpc.u        CPU Performance Counter driver
                      (sparc.sun4u) 11.8.0,REV=2000.
 26       CPU Performance Counter driver
                      (sparc.sun4us) 11.8.0,REV=2000.
 27  SUNWcpcu         CPU Performance Counter libraries and utilities
                      (sparc) 11.8.0,REV=2000.
 28  SUNWcpcux        CPU Performance Counter libraries and utilities (64-bit)
                      (sparc) 11.8.0,REV=2000.
 29  SUNWcpcx.u       CPU Performance Counter driver (64-bit)
                      (sparc.sun4u) 11.8.0,REV=2000.
 30      CPU Performance Counter driver (64-bit)
                      (sparc.sun4us) 11.8.0,REV=2000.
 31  SUNWcstl         Apptrace Utility
                      (sparc) 11.8.0,REV=2000.
 32  SUNWcstlx        Apptrace Utility (64 bit)
                      (sparc) 11.8.0,REV=2000.
 33  SUNWdclnt        Solaris Diskless Client Management Application
                      (sparc) 1.0,REV=2000.
 34  SUNWdfbh         Dumb Frame Buffer Header Files
                      (sparc) 11.8.0,REV=2000.
 35  SUNWdhcm         DHCP Manager
                      (sparc) 11.8.0,REV=2000.
 36  SUNWdhcsr        BOOTP/DHCP Server Services, (Root)
                      (sparc) 11.8.0,REV=2000.
 37  SUNWdhcsu        BOOTP/DHCP Server Services, (Usr)
                      (sparc) 11.8.0,REV=2000.
 38  SUNWdial         Buttons/Dials Streams Module
                      (sparc) 8.0.0,REV=1999.12.07
 39  SUNWdialh        Buttons/Dials Header Files
                      (sparc) 8.0.0,REV=1999.12.07
 40  SUNWdialx        Buttons/Dials Streams Module (64-bit)
                      (sparc) 8.0.0,REV=1999.12.07
 41  SUNWdpl          Developer Profiled Libraries
                      (sparc) 11.8.0,REV=2000.
 42  SUNWdplx         Developer Profiled Libraries (64-bit)
                      (sparc) 11.8.0,REV=2000.
 43  SUNWdtab         CDE DTBUILDER
                      (sparc) 1.4,REV=10.1999.12.02
 44  SUNWdtdem        CDE DEMOS
                      (sparc) 1.4,REV=10.1999.12.02
                      (sparc) 1.4,REV=10.1999.12.02
 46  SUNWdtinc        CDE Includes
                      (sparc) 1.4,REV=10.1999.12.02
 47  SUNWdtma         CDE man pages
                      (sparc) 1.4,REV=10.1999.12.02
 48  SUNWdtmad        CDE developer man pages
                      (sparc) 1.4,REV=10.1999.12.02
 49  SUNWdtmaz        Desktop Power Pack man pages
                      (sparc) 1.4,REV=10.1999.12.02
 50  SUNWebnfs        WebNFS
                      (all) 1.4
 51  SUNWfac          Framed Access Command Environment
                      (sparc) 11.8.0,REV=2000.
 52  SUNWfnsx5        FNS Support For X.500 Directory Context
                      (sparc) 11.8.0,REV=2000.
 53  SUNWfnx5x        FNS Support For X.500 Directory Context (64-bit)
                      (sparc) 11.8.0,REV=2000.
 54  SUNWfwdcd        IEEE 1394 Video Conferencing Demo (64-bit)
                      (sparc) 8.0.0,REV=2000.08.07
 55  SUNWglt          Layout Table Generation Utility
                      (sparc) 1.5,REV=1999.
 56  SUNWgpch         The GNU Patch utility
                      (sparc) 11.8.0,REV=2000.
 57  SUNWgpchS        Source for the GNU Patch utility
                      (sparc) 11.8.0,REV=2000.
 58  SUNWgzip         The GNU Zip (gzip) compression utility
                      (sparc) 11.8.0,REV=2000.
 59  SUNWgzipS        Source for the GNU Zip (gzip) compression utility
                      (sparc) 11.8.0,REV=2000.
 60  SUNWhea          SunOS Header Files
                      (sparc) 11.8.0,REV=2000.
 61  SUNWifph         Sun Fibre Channel Arbirated Loop Driver Header Files
                      (sparc) 11.8.0,REV=2000.
 62  SUNWj2dev        JDK 1.2 development tools
                      (sparc) 1.2.2,REV=2000.
 63  SUNWj2man        JDK 1.2 man pages
                      (sparc) 1.2.2,REV=2000.
 64  SUNWjvdem        JavaVM demo programs
                      (sparc) 1.1.8,REV=2000.
 65  SUNWjvdev        JavaVM developers package, includes javac, javah, and javap
                      (sparc) 1.1.8,REV=2000.
 66  SUNWjvman        JavaVM man pages
                      (sparc) 1.1.8,REV=2000.
 67  SUNWkcspf        KCMS Optional Profiles
                      (sparc) 1.1.2,REV=1.7
 68  SUNWkcspg        KCMS Programmers Environment
                      (sparc) 1.1.2,REV=1.7
 69  SUNWkcspx        KCMS Programmers Environment (64-bit)
                      (sparc) 1.1.2,REV=1.7
 70  SUNWkcsrt        KCMS Runtime Environment
                      (sparc) 1.1.2,REV=1.7
 71  SUNWkcsrx        KCMS 64 bit Runtime Environment
                      (sparc) 1.1.2,REV=1.7
 72  SUNWless         The GNU pager (less)
                      (sparc) 11.8.0,REV=2000.
 73  SUNWlessS        Source for the GNU pager (less)
                      (sparc) 11.8.0,REV=2000.
 74  SUNWlibm         Sun WorkShop Bundled libm
                      (sparc) 5.8,REV=1999.11.10
 75  SUNWlldap        LDAP Libraries
                      (sparc) 11.8.0,REV=2000.
 76  SUNWlmx          Sun WorkShop Bundled misc. 64-bit libm files
                      (sparc) 5.8,REV=1999.10.21
 77  SUNWman          On-Line Manual Pages
                      (sparc) 41.0,REV=31
 78  SUNWmc           Solaris Management Console 2.0 (Server Components)
                      (sparc) 11.8,REV=2000.
 79  SUNWmcc          Solaris Management Console 2.0 (Client Components)
                      (sparc) 11.8,REV=2000.
 80  SUNWmccom        Solaris Management Console 2.0 (Common Components)
                      (sparc) 11.8,REV=2000.
 81  SUNWmcdev        Solaris Management Console 2.0 (Development Kit)
                      (sparc) 11.8,REV=2000.
 82  SUNWmcex         Solaris Management Console 2.0 (Examples)
                      (sparc) 11.8,REV=2000.
 83  SUNWmdb          Modular Debugger
                      (sparc) 11.8.0,REV=2000.
 84  SUNWmdbdm        Modular Debugger Demo Source
                      (sparc) 11.8.0,REV=2000.
 85  SUNWmdbx         Modular Debugger (64-bit)
                      (sparc) 11.8.0,REV=2000.
 86  SUNWmfdev        Motif UIL Compiler
                      (sparc) 1.2.7,REV=10.1999.12.02
 87  SUNWmfman        CDE Motif Manuals
                      (sparc) 2.1.1,REV=10.1999.12.02
 88  SUNWmga          Solaris Management Applications
                      (sparc) 1.0,REV=2000.
 89  SUNWmipr         Mobile-IP (Root)
                      (sparc) 11.8.0,REV=2000.
 90  SUNWmipu         Mobile-IP (Usr)
                      (sparc) 11.8.0,REV=2000.
 91  SUNWmkcd         CD creation utilities
                      (sparc) 11.8.0,REV=2000.
 92  SUNWmkcdS        Source for the CD creation utilities
                      (sparc) 11.8.0,REV=2000.
 93  SUNWncar         Solaris Network Cache and Accelerator (Root)
                      (sparc) 11.8.0,REV=2000.
 94  SUNWncarx        Solaris Network and Cache Accelerator (Root) (64-bit)
                      (sparc) 11.8.0,REV=2000.
 95  SUNWncau         Solaris Network and Cache Accelerator (Usr)
                      (sparc) 11.8.0,REV=2000.
 96  SUNWncaux        Solaris Network Cache and Accelerator (Usr) (64-bit)
                      (sparc) 11.8.0,REV=2000.
 97  SUNWoladd        OPEN LOOK Alternate Desktop Demos
                      (sparc) 3.6.20,REV=1.1999.11.05
 98  SUNWoldem        OPEN LOOK demo programs
                      (sparc) 3.6.20,REV=1.1999.12.03
 99  SUNWoldim        OPEN LOOK demo images
                      (sparc) 3.6.20,REV=1.1999.12.03
100  SUNWolinc        OPEN LOOK include files
                      (sparc) 3.6.20,REV=1.1999.12.03
101  SUNWolman        OPEN LOOK toolkit/desktop users man pages
                      (sparc) 3.6.20,REV=1.1999.12.03
102  SUNWolslb        OPEN LOOK toolkit/desktop static/lint libraries
                      (sparc) 3.6.20,REV=1.1999.12.03
103  SUNWolsrc        OPEN LOOK sample source
                      (sparc) 3.6.20,REV=1.1999.12.03
104  SUNWosdem        OS demo source
                      (sparc) 11.8.0,REV=2000.
105  SUNWpdu          PCI Drivers Headers
                      (sparc) 11.8.0,REV=2000.
106  SUNWpiclh        PICL Header Files (Usr)
                      (sparc) 11.8.0,REV=2000.
107  SUNWpl5m         Perl5 On-Line Manual Pages
                      (sparc) 1.0,REV=2
108  SUNWpl5p         Perl 5.005_03 (POD Documentation)
                      (sparc) 11.8.0,REV=2000.
109  SUNWpmowm        Power Management OW Utilities Man Pages
                      (sparc) 3.6.20,REV=1999.
110  SUNWpppk         PPP/IP and IPdialup Device Drivers
                      (sparc) 11.8.0,REV=2000.
111  SUNWpppkx        PPP/IP and IPdialup Device Drivers (64-bit)
                      (sparc) 11.8.0,REV=2000.
112  SUNWpstl.u       Apptrace Utility
                      (sparc.sun4u) 11.8.0,REV=2000.
113      Apptrace Utility
                      (sparc.sun4us) 11.8.0,REV=2000.
114  SUNWpstlx.u      Apptrace Utility (64 bit)
                      (sparc.sun4u) 11.8.0,REV=2000.
115     Apptrace Utility (64 bit)
                      (sparc.sun4us) 11.8.0,REV=2000.
116  SUNWqfedu        Sun Quad FastEthernet Adapter Driver Headers
                      (sparc) 5.0,REV=5.8.1999.12.07
117  SUNWrpm          Utilities for processing RPM archives
                      (sparc) 11.8.0,REV=2000.
118  SUNWrtvc         SunVideo Device Driver
                      (sparc) 1.4,REV=1999.12.07
119  SUNWrtvcl        SunVideo XIL library support
                      (sparc) 1.4,REV=1999.12.07
120  SUNWrtvcu        SunVideo Runtime Support Software
                      (sparc) 1.4,REV=1999.12.07
121  SUNWrtvcx        SunVideo Device Driver (64-bit)
                      (sparc) 1.4,REV=1999.12.07
122  SUNWsadml        Solstice Launcher.
                      (sparc) 11.8,REV=1999.
123  SUNWscpux        Source Compatibility (Usr) (64-bit)
                      (sparc) 11.8.0,REV=2000.
124  SUNWsprot        Solaris Bundled tools
                      (sparc) 5.8,REV=1999.
125  SUNWsprox        Sun WorkShop Bundled 64-bit make library
                      (sparc) 5.8,REV=
126  SUNWsra          Source Compatibility Archive Libraries
                      (sparc) 11.8.0,REV=2000.
127  SUNWsrh          Source Compatibility Header Files
                      (sparc) 11.8.0,REV=2000.
128  SUNWsutl         Static Utilities
                      (sparc) 11.8.0,REV=2000.
129  SUNWtcsh         Tenex C-shell (tcsh)
                      (sparc) 11.8.0,REV=2000.
130  SUNWtcshS        Source for the Tenex C-shell (tcsh)
                      (sparc) 11.8.0,REV=2000.
131  SUNWter          Terminal Information
                      (sparc) 11.8.0,REV=2000.
132  SUNWtltkd        ToolTalk developer support
                      (sparc) 3.7.0,REV=10.1999.12.02
133  SUNWtltkm        ToolTalk manual pages
                      (sparc) 3.7.0,REV=10.1999.12.02
134  SUNWtnfc         TNF Core Components
                      (sparc) 11.8.0,REV=2000.
135  SUNWtnfcx        TNF Core Components (64-bit)
                      (sparc) 11.8.0,REV=2000.
136  SUNWtnfd         TNF Developer Components
                      (sparc) 11.8.0,REV=2000.
137  SUNWucbt         Apptrace support objects for ucblib
                      (sparc) 11.8.0,REV=2000.
138  SUNWucbtx        Apptrace support objects for ucblib (64 bit)
                      (sparc) 11.8.0,REV=2000.
139  SUNWusbu         USB  Headers
                      (sparc) 11.8.0,REV=2000.
140  SUNWwbmc         Solaris Management Console 2.0 (WBEM Components)
                      (sparc) 11.8,REV=2000.
141  SUNWxcu4t        XCU4 make and sccs utilities
                      (sparc) 5.8,REV=1999.
142  SUNWxilh         XIL API Header Files
                      (sparc) 1.4.2,REV=99.11.15
143  SUNWxwdem        X Window System demo programs
144  SUNWxwdim        X Window System demo images
145  SUNWxwdxm        DPS motif library
146  SUNWxwfa         X Window System Font Administrator
147  SUNWxwhl         X Window System & Graphics Header links in /usr/include
148  SUNWxwinc        X Window System include files
149  SUNWxwman        X Window System online user man pages
150  SUNWxwpmn        X Window System online programmers man pages
151  SUNWxwslb        X Window System static/lint libraries
152  SUNWxwsrc        X Window System sample source
153  SUNWypr          NIS Server for Solaris (root)
                      (sparc) 11.8.0,REV=2000.
154  SUNWypu          NIS Server for Solaris (usr)
                      (sparc) 11.8.0,REV=2000.
155  SUNWzip          The Info-Zip (zip) compression utility
                      (sparc) 11.8.0,REV=2000.
156  SUNWzipS         Source for the Info-Zip (zip) compression utility
                      (sparc) 11.8.0,REV=2000.
157  SUNWzlib         The Zip compression library
                      (sparc) 11.8.0,REV=2000.
158  SUNWzlibS        Source for the Zip compression library
                      (sparc) 11.8.0,REV=2000.
159  SUNWzlibx        The Info-Zip compression library (64-bit)
                      (sparc) 11.8.0,REV=2000.
160  SUNWzsh          Z shell (zsh)
                      (sparc) 11.8.0,REV=2000.
161  SUNWzshS         Source for the Z shell (zsh)
                      (sparc) 11.8.0,REV=2000.

See also pkgrm and pkginfo.

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Last Maintained, 04/20/2001 by R. E. Styma (x7323)